Testseek.se har samlat 24 tester av Panasonic DMP-BD50K och det genomsnittliga betyget är 83%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Panasonic DMP-BD50K.
24 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Sammanfattning: Som den billigare BD30-modellen är Panasonic BD50 en lysande musikförmedlare. Ljudkvaliteten är kristallklar både med HDMI och ur de analoga utgångarna, med spänstig dynamik och potent bas.
Sammanfattning: Redan 2006 lanserade Samsung den första blu-ray-spelaren men fram till nu har faktiskt ingen stationär apparat uppfyllt den slutgiltiga tekniska specifikation, den så kallade profil 2.0. Endast Playstation 3, i kraft av sin hårdvara, har hittills uppgr...
Sammanfattning: Men den nye generasjon spillere er ikke bare billigere og raskere til å starte. De har også nye tllleggsfunksjoner som internettilkobling og Blu-ray Profile 2.0, som gir brukeren nye funksjoner. Som interaktiviteten Blu-ray Profile 2.0 gir i form av ekstramateriale man kan laste ned fra en nettverkstilkobling, såkalt BD-Live (se forklaring).
Handler du i billigste nettbutikk får du BD30 til rundt 3.000, mens BD50 koster cirka 4.500 kroner, og flere lesere har lurt på om det er verdt å betale de 1.500 kronene ekstra. Svaret er ganske enkelt at det vil variere av hvor filminteressert du er...
Sammanfattning: Panasonic's DMP-BD50 is a tasty package, and stands above even its highly-praised predecessor, the BD30. This powerful Blu-ray player retrieves HDTV-quality trailers and bonus material from..
Bluray movies look very good when output at 1080p/24 fps, The player offers onboard highresolution audio decoding and bitstream output over HDMI, It supports BDLive Web content and can play pictureinpicture bonus content, such as video commentaries and makingof featurettes, This player has quick startup, load times, and navigation compared to other Bluray players both current and historicall
The DMPBD50's video processing is below average. With the player set to output 1080p/60, we saw clear digital artifacts in various test scenes, with both highand standarddef content, Setup can be a little confusing, as some menu items to default to settings that most people would not choose.
The Panasonic DMP-BD50 has the all of the features a Blu-ray fan could want in a reasonably priced package: BD-Live, PIP ability, 1080p/24 video output, and both onboard decoding and bitstream output of high-resolution audio. We should point out that t...
Sammanfattning: BD-Live support may be the DMP-BD50’s initial draw, but I don’t think it’s ultimately the determining factor in whether or not this is the player for you. Price and audio support are the real issues. The DMP-BD50’s original MSRP was $699.95; however, a...
It has been a very long time coming, but Panasonic has finally created a Blu-ray player that has all the features that the format promised at launch. If you want to access online content, view picture in picture video, play Java based games or decode the ...