Sammanfattning: Hög kvalitet på både ljud och bild, med många anslutningar och bra funktioner tycker testarna om denna blu-rayspelare. Att den dessutom är kompakt och lättanvänd gör också sitt till.
Sony-spilleren er helt klart blant de beste i testen. Bildekvaliteten er meget høy fra Blu-ray, den er kjapp i bruk og godt utstyrt for prisklassen. Sony BDP-S350 kan enkelt oppgraderes til Profile 2.0, noe som utvider funksjonaliteten
Sammanfattning: Dette er de to helt nye Blu-ray-spillerne til Sony, og spør du oss har de definitivt vært verdt ventetiden. Ikke bare har prisene blitt levelige, sammenlignet med førstegenerasjons-spillerne er de også langt raskere og i tillegg forberedt for de inter...
Sammanfattning: This is a very good Blu-ray player from Sony, whose main failing is the absence of DiVX compatibility, which is found almost universally amongst the competition.
Sammanfattning: For a bargain-bucket price of 230 GBP, Sony’s BDP-S 350 delivers first-rate movie pictures and hard-hitting HD audio as a bitstream. It does not, however, match the quality of its all-singing, all-dancing relative..
Sammanfattning: It may be hard to believe but the BDP-S350 is Sony’s third generation Blu-ray player. It seems like only yesterday Blu-ray players were hitting the market and competition was heating up from rival Toshiba’s HD-DVD format. Now that the smoke has settle...
Sammanfattning: It’s hard to knock the Sony BDP-S350. The machine does its job, is dependable, quiet, built solid and looks good in delivering the key features for a Blu-ray player, all at a reasonable entry-level price. Spending a few bucks for a 1GB Flash drive and...
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Publicerad: 2008-12-25, Författare: Lincoln , testad av:
You can find cheaper Blu-ray players on the market, but the Sony BDP-S350 is a strong bet. This model delivers a solid all-around package, and it does so at a price that won't break your wallet....