Bildkvaliteten är som den brukar hos en Polaroidkamera. Motiven kräver en del ljus, även om kamerans blixt hjälper. Men poängen är att det här inte handlar om skarpa detaljer utan om att ha roligt med kompisarna...
Billedkvaliteten er som forventet fra et Polaroid-kamera. Motiverne kræver en del lys, selv om kameraets blitz hjælper. Men pointen er, at det her ikke handler om skarpe detaljer, men om at have det sjovt...
Sammanfattning: The Impossible Project har i mange år forfinet udviklingen af Polaroid-film og købte sidste år rettighederne til Polaroid-varemærket. Nu er de så klar med deres første kamera – genfødslen af en sand klassisker, der giver dig rigtige instant fotos i fysisk...
Fun factor, Classic Polaroid instant prints, It's a future collectible
Polaroid Originals film is expensive, Every shot is printed, Development times are quite long
The original Polaroid OneStep was one of the biggest selling cameras of the 1970s and the new camera replicates the retro shooting experience brilliantly. However, in the digital era it's more of an enjoyable curiosity than anything else...
Publicerad: 2019-06-04, Författare: Max , testad av:
Vintage looking photos,
Poor overall photo quality, few image modes, expensive film
The Polaroid Originals OneStep 2 VF fails to compete with the new wave of instant cameras hitting the market, lagging well behind in terms of usability, quality, and film cost...
Sammanfattning: If you use the Polaroid Originals One Step 2, you'll probably be really enamored with its retro aesthetics if you're not put off by its chunky size. But I thought the same thing about the Instax Mini 8 and other cameras; and they sell out really well. Whi...
Attractive, retro design. Reasonably priced for what you get. Rechargable battery is internal and can be topped off with USB. Improved development times mean film is closer to the traditional Polaroid experience. Black and white film looks terrific
Polaroid film is still a luxury compared to cheaper Fuji Instax. Picture quality can vary greatly from shot to shot due to imperfections. Color film isn't as colorful as the competition. No selfie mirror