Testseek.se har samlat 10 tester av Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT10 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 71%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT10.
10 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Easy-to-understand menu system; low price; good specifications; waterproof
Slow to respond to button input; freezes while saving longer HD clips; unattractive
The DMC-FT10 is a mixed bag, with its good specifications and low price offset by average image quality. If you're looking for a happy-snap camera that will stand the rigours of an active life, it's a decent choice
The Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT10 is a mixed bag; its good specifications and low price are offset by image quality that we didn't fall in love with. If you're looking for a happy-snap camera that will stand up to the rigors of an active life, it is a dece...
The Panasonic Lumix DMC FT10 is a good all round digital camera. If you are looking for a waterproof digital camera that can take the odd bump then this camera ticks most of the right boxes. It does little wrong and it is hard to come up with any stro...
Interface is too slow, overly smudgy images at higher ISOs
Often the cheapest cameras are the ones that put up with the most punishment. If you're looking for a knock-around point-and-shoot digital camera to take to the beach, for bushwalking or for use with kids, the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT10 should suit your nee...
sehr robust, preiswert, einfache Handhabung, gute Verarbeitung
durchschnittliche Bildqualität, recht langsam
Die Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT10 ist eine taugliche und verhältnismäßig preiswerte Outdoor-Kamera für Gelegenheitsnutzer. Die Güte einer „ausgewachsenen“ Lumix erreichen Bildqualität und Ausstattung allerdings nicht. Der Kauf empfiehlt sich allerdings nur...
Eine robuste, wasserfeste Outdoor-Kamera zum fairen Preis. Die ältere FT2 kostet mehr, bietet aber ein Weitwinkel-Zoom und die etwas besserer Bildqualität....
Risoluzione sensore; Stabilizzatore ottico; Modalità Intelligent Auto; Resistente a urti, polvere, acqua e cadute,
Zoom; Memoria; Grandezza display
La Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT10 è una fotocamera compatta la cui caratteristica più interessante è quella di essere resistente a urti, cadute, polvere, acqua e freddo. Per il resto, sono da sottolineare i filmati HD, lo stabilizzatore ottico, la modalità ...
Sammanfattning: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT10 to typowy przedstawiciel klasy prostych aparatów kompaktowych. Posiada prosty design z niewielką ilością ozdobnych elementów. Na nieco agresywny charakter wyglądu wpływa czarna obwódka wokół całej konstrukcji.Aparat posiada całkie...
Bij waterdichte camera's denk je meteen aan snorkelvakanties in de Caraïben of aan de Rode Zee. Maar ook als je de bergen intrekt, komt een weerbestendige camera van pas. Je hoeft je dan geen zorgen te maken als de camera eens in de sneeuw valt: er kan ge...