Sammanfattning: Storebror ser dig! Övervakningssamhället tar över! Vi har alla läst krigsrubrikerna angående den ökade mängd kameror som sätts upp ute på allmän plats och vad som kan göras med informationen dessa lagrar. Oavsett vad du tycker om övervakning på allmän ...
Billedkvaliteten kunne være højere, men du får et fornuftig udvalg af funktioner samt nem betjening fra både computer og smartphone. Ønsker du basal overvågning af boligen, finder du næppe noget bedre til denne pris...
Sammanfattning: Whether you feel the need to keep an eye out for intruders at home, keep tabs on the baby in the other room or just want to see what your pets are doing when you're not around, cloud security cameras can help. These cameras offer more flexibility than ...
After using the 932L for a few weeks now, as I stated previously I had set the camera up on the front porch to monitor activity at the front door. Motion detection was setup and I managed to catch a raccoon sniffing through my recycle bin during the ...
Night vision, Advanced motion detection settings, Free email alerts when motion is detected, Email and night mode scheduling features, Does not require connection to a computer
Image is slightly fuzzy, Audio has static, Not obvious how to setup for wireless connection, mydlink web interface installs a Java app every time you access it
Publicerad: 2014-05-01, Författare: Dave , testad av:
The D-Link DCS-932L is a solid enough camera for daytime use, and it certainly looks the part overall. Apart from initial configuration issues, I feel it more than suitable for home use. Even though its night time recording is one of its weaker sides.The...
The D-Link DCS-932L is an inexpensive IP camera. The night vision works well and it has plenty of ways to keep tabs on what’s happening in your home or business. The website and mobile apps work superbly, but unfortunately are fairly limite...