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Tester av Coaster Creator 3D har samlat 3 tester av Coaster Creator 3D och det genomsnittliga betyget är 70%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Coaster Creator 3D.
3 Tester
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70 0 100 3



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  Publicerad: 2013-03-13, Författare: Adam , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Welcome back to another 5&1 Review. This time, I'll take a look at a recent 3DS eShop title, Coaster Creator 3DCoaster Creator 3DWhat is the game: Coaster Creator 3D strips away all of the extra theme park management that games such as Roller Coaster Tyco...

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  Publicerad: 2013-03-01, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Coaster Creator 3D lets 3DS owners create and ride their own roller coasters. I had low expectations after the much maligned Roller Coaster Tycoon 3D but was pleasantly surprised by Digital Gamers efforts.Coaster Creator offers up two modes, Career mod...

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  Publicerad: 2013-02-27, Författare: Jenni , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  The best way to kick off this Coaster Creator 3D review is to discuss my attempt at making roller coasters a career. I was only able to start as an apprentice to Mr. McGee and it didn't go well. My first challenge was to make a classic, wooden coaster fun...

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