Publicerad: 2015-10-09, Författare: Fredrik , testad av:
Många hemligheter, bra utmaning, många härliga bossar, suveränt soundtrack, mysig retrodoftande grafik, mycket spel för pengarna, gratis DLCmaterial, underbar hyllning till 80och 90talets retroklassiker, högt omspelningsvärde
Publicerad: 2017-03-10, Författare: Paul , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Shovel Knight is back and it's ported to yet another console, but this time it's a brand new console; the Nintendo Switch. I'm going to talk about this latest port of the fantastic Shovel Knight, but I must first talk about the launch of Nintendo's latest...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-03-02, Författare: Chris , testad av:
A hallmark of excellence. It may have some flaws, but they are negligible to what is otherwise a supreme title. How we score: The Destructoid Reviews Guide...
Publicerad: 2014-07-05, Författare: Ron , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Homages to retro games are nothing new. More than half of the indie developers out there have dedicated their careers to recreating the spirit of games they used to play as kids. Whether they grew up during the NES days or as recently as the N64, there is...
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Publicerad: 2014-06-26, Författare: Jason , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Shovel Knight is a video game about a knight who carries a shovel. It's an NES game released 25 years too late. It's the type of platformer that a whole lot of people have been craving for a very long time.There is no way to talk about Shovel Knight witho...
Sammanfattning: What, you're still here? Okay, fine. I'll expound upon my love for this wonderful game. Once upon a time, there was a dynamic duo. The Shovel Knight and Shield Knight were nigh unstoppable. The two righted many wrongs and were responsible for saving m...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-03-07, Författare: Mike , testad av:
This is the best version of Shovel Knight yet, and Treasure Trove is the most complete package. In addition to piling ever more new features on top of the original, Yacht Club has improved on Shovel Knight in nearly every way with the Specter of Torment e...
Publicerad: 2014-06-26, Författare: Colin , testad av:
Amazing gameplay, Beautiful graphics, Great soundtrack, Lots of upgrades, New Game
I absolutely love Shovel Knight. It doesn't only understand what retro gamers want; it also understands exactly what it is, copping plentiful inspiration from the past while forming it all into its own game. At seven or eight hours long your first time th...