Testseek.se har samlat 124 tester av Animal Crossing: New Horizons och det genomsnittliga betyget är 87%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Mars 2020
124 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
975 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Älskvärt utseende och sköna djurvänner
Dekorationernas mecka
Positiviteten är smittande
Avslappnat tempo
Samlarentusiasternas okrönte konung
Inga laddningspauser
Detaljrikt och välgjort
Ett underbart liv
Känslan av framsteg
Känslan av vardag
Mest djupgående Animal Crossing ännu
Kraftigt utökat hantverkssystem
Söta och bedårande karaktärer som alltid
Lysande ursäkt för att vara borta timmar / dagar / veckor / år
Skänker glädje
Mysig gemenskap
Underbart mycket att göra
Suveräna anpassningsmöjligheter
Ljuvlig design
Kraftigt uppfräschad grafik
Härlig musik
Välskrivna personligheter
Roliga dagliga händelser
Testarna gillade inte
Krångligt sätt att addera vänner
Kameran kunde vara mer påverkbar
Tappar snabbt sin relevans
Ett tempo som dock sätter käppar i hjulet sett till saker att göra efterhand
Oprecisa kontroller
Långsam start
Kan ej avsynka med verkliga klockan
Stackars spelare två
En del lata lösningar
Endast en ö per switch så du måste dela
Inget moln sparar så att du inte kan fortsätta framsteg på en annan switch
Kan sluta ta över ditt verkliga liv eftersom det är så beroendeframkallande
Sammanfattning: Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the fifth and latest installment of Nintendo's Animal Crossing franchise. Featuring a familiar cast and newly updated activities, players are immersed into a real-time simulation of life on a deserted island. It's up to th...
Publicerad: 2020-04-12, Författare: Eric , testad av: slashgear.com
Animal Crossing's unique brand of chill is stronger than ever, Beautiful graphics, Outstanding soundtrack, Progression that makes you take your time and appreciate island living
Tool durability is bogus and unfun, Nintendo's one-island-per-Switch rule is a tradition that needs to go
The complaints about tool durability are admittedly minor in the grand scheme of things. In the end, I think the issue with local multiplayer is the only major blemish on this game. Aside from that, I'm pleased to confirm that the reports are true: Animal...
Publicerad: 2020-04-11, Författare: Mike , testad av: gamezone.com
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is easily the most personal and customizable game in the franchise. The introduction of crafting adds a fun new layer of obtaining new items, even if it means tools don't last forever anymore. Nook Miles are another genius ad...
Resource-gathering for crafting is a natural extension of Animal Crossing's existing daily tasks loop, Nook Miles system adds a layer of reward just for playing the way you want while providing some structure if you're lost, Customizing your character, yo
Slow overall progression can be frustrating and feel unnecessarily restrictive
Publicerad: 2020-04-04, Författare: Stephen , testad av: newgamenetwork.com
New Horizons draws from familiar Animal Crossing elements while building upon and redecorating them with its fun island motif. It's still fairly minimalistic, but I liken it to a warm honey tea - it may be simple and subdued, but still provides a relaxing...
Sammanfattning: It's hard to believe that it has been almost seven years since Animal Crossing: New Leaf launched on the Nintendo 3DS. I think part of that, for me at least, is due to how much time I spent with the last entry in the popular life-sim franchise from Ninten...
Publicerad: 2020-03-29, Författare: A , testad av: gamingtrend.com
Tons of control and customization, Visually gorgeous, Plenty to do, thanks to Nook Miles and crafting, Retains or improves everything fans love about the series
Crafting can be slow and tedious, Limited touch screen controls, Lots of co-op/shared island restrictions, Multiplayer loading screens are painfully long
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is easily the best Animal Crossing game to date. This life simulator is the most immersive, feature-filled, and customizable to date, having exponentially amplified all the charm and addicting qualities of New Leaf. A must ha...
Publicerad: 2020-03-24, Författare: Sara , testad av: imore.com
Adorable and polished graphics, Relaxing soundtrack, Simple and familiar gameplay, A few new elements, A lot of replay value, Multiplayer options
A bit slow starting out, Mystery tours aren't as random as they should be, Multiplayer can get boring after a bit, Time lapses can be frustrating, No emergency back-up, Local multiplayer issues
Not only is it an inconvenience, but even if it's not your fault, you can't recover your data. This is all done for the sake of stopping cheaters, but as I mentioned earlier, this won't stop players from time traveling. It hurts people a lot more than it...