Testseek.se har samlat 124 tester av Animal Crossing: New Horizons och det genomsnittliga betyget är 87%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Mars 2020
124 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
975 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Älskvärt utseende och sköna djurvänner
Dekorationernas mecka
Positiviteten är smittande
Avslappnat tempo
Samlarentusiasternas okrönte konung
Inga laddningspauser
Detaljrikt och välgjort
Ett underbart liv
Känslan av framsteg
Känslan av vardag
Mest djupgående Animal Crossing ännu
Kraftigt utökat hantverkssystem
Söta och bedårande karaktärer som alltid
Lysande ursäkt för att vara borta timmar / dagar / veckor / år
Skänker glädje
Mysig gemenskap
Underbart mycket att göra
Suveräna anpassningsmöjligheter
Ljuvlig design
Kraftigt uppfräschad grafik
Härlig musik
Välskrivna personligheter
Roliga dagliga händelser
Testarna gillade inte
Krångligt sätt att addera vänner
Kameran kunde vara mer påverkbar
Tappar snabbt sin relevans
Ett tempo som dock sätter käppar i hjulet sett till saker att göra efterhand
Oprecisa kontroller
Långsam start
Kan ej avsynka med verkliga klockan
Stackars spelare två
En del lata lösningar
Endast en ö per switch så du måste dela
Inget moln sparar så att du inte kan fortsätta framsteg på en annan switch
Kan sluta ta över ditt verkliga liv eftersom det är så beroendeframkallande
Sammanfattning: When Nintendo releases one of its own, homebaked games you can almost always count on it to provide something extraordinary. It has a long tradition of furnishing its own console platforms with adventures and oddities you won't find anywhere else. And it...
Crafting is an excellent (and simple) addition, Best-looking and sounding Animal Crossing title to date, More player control than ever before
One island per Switch is likely to disappoint some, Without cloud saves, more clarity around data recovery is needed
Like most life sims, Animal Crossing forms a highly symbiotic relationship with its players—basically you'll get out of it what you put into it. New Horizons is in part so enjoyable because it feels like it's offering and giving back even more than previo...
Publicerad: 2020-03-16, Författare: Martin , testad av: eurogamer.net
Sammanfattning: For whom the bells toll.An impressive suite of improvements combine with a more clearly defined structure for Animal Crossing's finest outing to date.It's 5am, I can't get back to sleep, so out of habit I reach for the Switch on the bedside table to c...
Publicerad: 2020-03-16, Författare: Lisa , testad av: Digitaltrends.com
Visually captivating, Lots of customization, Tons of gameplay, Great social features, Real-time clock gives a reason to come back
Gameplay can get repetitive, Lack of challenge won't appeal to all
Yes. While Animal Crossing games are undoubtedly divisive in how “fun” they are, if you're at all on the fence, you should absolutely pick up this game. Its one-of-a-kind playstyle, updated and expanded features, and ability to cater to fans of different...
Beautiful, adorable and a joy to look at, All of its systems are wonderfully deep and rewarding, So many exciting events and content are on the horizon, Builds upon and improves on everything that came before it, Ferociously addictive and rema
There's only a certain amount of things to do per day, Deeper relationships with islanders would be great, Tom Nook,
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the best game I've played this year, and immediately cements itself as one of the generation's defining experiences. Fans will be playing it for years, watching as the seasons roll by and unveil the true potential of what...
Reviewed on Nintendo Switch, with a code provided by Nintendo EuropeSimilar to how Breath of the Wild and Odyssey reimagined 3D Zelda and Mario, New Horizons represents an exciting new milestone for the Animal Crossing series.By truly handing the player t...
Having played three segments from different progression points in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, we can safely say that this will turn out to be a huge game with rewards and new features aplenty. Exploration is encouraged and discovery is rewarded. For us...
Publicerad: 2020-03-16, Författare: Jordan , testad av: cgmagonline.com
Animal Crossing: New Horizons takes everything good about Animal Crossing, and improves it ten-fold
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2024-01-12, Författare: Steven , testad av: gamepro.com.au
Sammanfattning: Nintendo has countless classics in its library with the best selling Nintendo Switch games taking centre stage as some of the greatest experiences of all time. In almost 40 years of gaming excellence with multiple consoles, Nintendo have been pumping out...