Makes for a real workout with regular engagement, Consistent motivators to stay engaged, Comes with options to change up the routine and remain accessible
Low accuracy reading from controllers, Annoying, repetitive voicework, The music selection is uninspiring and off-rhythm
Fitness Boxing 3's weak voice work and shoddy motion detection somehow do little to keep you coming back for more. By gamifying the exercise, it keeps you engaged and motivated, and you'll quickly find yourself surprised at how tired you become from these...
Solid and definitely has an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.How we score: The destructoid reviews guide...
Sammanfattning: Fitness Boxing for the Nintendo Switch is exactly what it sounds like. A boxing themed game that's focused on giving players a light cardio workout, similar in some manner to Nintendo's other, more notable entry in the world of fitness games with last gen...
Tons of varied exercise routines with no extra accessories, Keeps track of lots of fitness data, Makes working out slightly less awful
Terrible music selection, Shoddy movement detection, Limited play modes and features
Fitness Boxing doesn't have a lot of features to speak of, but it does provide a solid workout. Its exercise routines are challenging and enjoyable enough, despite their atrocious background music. Fitness Boxing isn't going to be the most fun game on you...
Fitness Boxing für die Nintendo Switch ist mit rund 40 Euro nicht gerade günstig. Doch wenn man möglichst einfach in die Welt der Fitness einsteigen möchte und schon eine Nintendo Switch besitzt, ist Fitness Boxing das perfekte Spiel dafür. Vor allem wenn...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2019-01-16, Författare: Tom , testad av:
Wer jetzt spektakuläre Vorher-Nachher Fotos erwartet, den werde ich an diese Stelle enttäuschen müssen, denn diese würden aufgrund der geringen Unterschiede eher einem Suchbildrätsel gleichen. Nicht dass ich etwa in der zwei wöchigen Testphase nicht genug...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2019-04-24, Författare: Norman , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Es hora de reconocerlo sin tapujos: el gamer promedio es un animal sedentario. El único que acumula sudor en nuestras vidas es nuestro sillón, las zapatillas para salir a correr están prácticamente nuevas y las enfermedades cardiovasculares están a la ord...