Testseek.se har samlat 37 tester av No More Heroes 3 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 73%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för No More Heroes 3.
September 2021
37 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
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Combat kan vara tillfredsställande
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Besviken grafik
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Publicerad: 2022-10-11, Författare: Fredrik , testad av: psbloggen.se
Sammanfattning: Det har snart gått 15 år sedan No More Heroes fick sin debut till Nintendo Wii och Goichi Suda visade precis vad han tyckte om dåvarande trender inom spel, i synnerhet öppna spelvärldar. Det har hänt en hel del sedan dess, trender har förändrats, nya spel...
Tar sig inte på allvar,Combat kan vara tillfredsställande
Fruktansvärda öppna världen,Lackluster skriva,Besviken grafik,Upprepande i det extrema
Problemet med att gå tillbaka till en gammal formel borde vara uppenbart - det som var försökt och sant då kanske inte längre är det. No More Heroes 3 är ett exempel på detta. Genom att vara så trogen mot tonen i de två första spelen kommer det mycket väl...
Underholdende kampsystem, særegen og unik stil, bisarre og underholdende bosskamper
Rotete historie og regi, lite treffende satire, svært gjentakende, lite spennende innhold utenom bosskampene, forglemmelige rollefigurer, dårlig teknisk ytelse
Publicerad: 2022-10-06, Författare: David , testad av: gamingtrend.com
Options are available in-game and in a launcher, Looks incredible at high resolution and frame rate, Decent Keyboard and Mouse support
Still feels lacking compared to the rest of the games, Open world is unoptimized and has very noticeable pop-in
While my major issues with the game's writing, tone, and design remain unchanged, the PC port of No More Heroes 3 shines without the constraints of the Switch. The open world is very unoptimized, but if you have enough hardware to throw at it performance...
Sammanfattning: Back in my early GameStop days in 2007, when the Nintendo Wii was in its early stages of release I recall a wave of different games making noise in a very busy 2007/2008 holiday season. One such title was a stylish, grindhouse-y hack & slash game from the...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2022-01-11, Författare: CJ , testad av: destructoid.com
Sammanfattning: Twenty twenty-one probably isn't going to make the history books as one of humanity's finest years. From a pandemic that continued to come in waves to Betty White dying on December 31st, it was a rather garbage year. Except for the games. If there was any...
Publicerad: 2022-01-05, Författare: Jonathan , testad av: destructoid.com
Sammanfattning: Hey kids! I hope you had a fun and frisky 2021. I guess it's possible that you did, but for most of us, it was pretty torturous. I know I shouldn't complain. No one close to me got super sick, I kept my job, and despite the constant stress and drain that...
Publicerad: 2021-09-27, Författare: Alex , testad av: gamerbraves.com
Good writing and a fitting end to the series, Gameplay is satisfying and versatile, The punk otaku aesthetic is charming and gives the game its own identity
Graphics could have been a little cleaner, The game can be confusing for newcomers
No More Heroes 3 is a fantastic conclusion to the series. It continues the punk otaku atmosphere of the series with creative new boss fights, hilarious comedy baked into the gameplay, and a fitting script for Tarvis's final adventure.Like the previous ent...