Lätt att plocka upp,Roliga beroendeframkallande strider,En enorm lista att växa in i
Ganska slitsamt,Visuals reporligt på sina ställen
Vi förväntade oss inte att njuta så mycket av Pokémon Unite - dess avslöjande tidigare i år kändes lite förvirrande, plus att MOBA är känt svårt att komma in på. Det är därför det är en så trevlig överraskning att det har varit lika roligt som det har gjo...
Publicerad: 2021-08-06, Författare: Eric , testad av: slashgear.com
Gameplay is surprisingly fun and addictive, Pokemon each feel unique and, for the most part, effective, Matches are short, a rare sight for MOBAs
Too many free currencies make getting what you want confusing, Caps on Aoes Coins limit the rate at which free-to-play players can obtain new Pokemon, Has a pay-to-win mechanic through Item Enhancers that can be purchased with paid currency, Late-game bal
This is a tough game to judge. I really enjoy playing Pokemon Unite and, were I judging the gameplay alone, it would get a solid 8 or maybe even a 9. It's a ton of fun to play, and each Pokemon feels unique. So far, I haven't had a bad time playing, even...
It offers an enjoyable and accessible entry into the MOBA genre, Well designed Pokémon, offering a good variety of characters that all feel and play differently, It looks and sounds good, giving that Pokémon feel
Pay to win, Far too many currencies, an obtuse and predatory system designed to persuade people into spending real money
Pokémon Unite is a genuinely fun and charming game, with quick and accessible combat with enough tactical element to keep it interesting, while not overwhelming newcomers to the genre. However, it is predatory in all the worst ways, copying the worst tact...
Publicerad: 2021-07-31, Författare: Chris , testad av: destructoid.com
Sammanfattning: The last time I wrote about Pokemon Unite, I was merely a student. Now, I'm on my way to becoming a master. Modest, I know! 20 MVPs, some ranking up, 3/4s of the roster in hand, and three level 20 held items later, I feel like I have a good grasp of the f...
Pokemon Unite is an entertaining introductory MOBA that checks all the genre's boxes but has very little of its own to add to the conversation – and questionable free-to-play choices like being able to pay for power even detract from it. Its bite-sized ba...
Publicerad: 2021-07-29, Författare: Jason , testad av: gamespot.com
A new twist on MOBAs, tweaking the basic formula to make it more accessible to beginners, Game mechanics are easy for all players to understand but never feel monotonous, 90-level Battle Pass is a good deal, offers items, in-game currency, and Pokemon ski
Too many different currencies needed to get skins and items, creating a confusing in-game economy, Predatory tactics aimed directly at your wallet
Publicerad: 2021-07-29, Författare: Meg , testad av: tomsguide.com
Intuitive and simple controls, Fun premise, Avoids the common MOBA issue of time commitment
Movement can feel clunky, Hampered by microtransactions, UI is not the cleanest
The pay-to-win controversy is something that TiMi, the game’s developer, will need to address. Already YouTubers have demonstrated that spending lots of money can completely obliterate opposing teams. The item enhancement system allows people to pay for s...