Testseek.se har samlat 122 tester av Super Smash Bros. Ultimate och det genomsnittliga betyget är 91%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Maj 2019
122 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
1 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Stort utbud av karaktärer
Extremt slipade kontroller
Oerhörd variation av matcher i storyläget
Sofistikerade verktyg för skräddarsydda matchregler
Det snyggaste och mest omfattande Super Smash Bros-spelet hittills
Fortfarande roligast att spela mot andra
Men ändå ett välgjort äventyr för en spelare som är både kul och engagerande
Nästan oändligt med innehåll att upptäcka
Spela fram (och köpa)
Alla och (nästan) allt är här
76 karaktärer - varav 12 nya
Absurt omväxlande
Nytt dedikerat singleplayer läge
Mängder av underbar musik
Grafiska uppdateringar
Hetsigare och mer frenetiskt än någonsin tidigare
Makalöst karaktärsutbud
World of Light är suveränt
över 800 ultraklassiska låtar
Klockren spelkontroll
Stort speldjup
Ljuvlig design
Massor av spellägen
Väldigt intuitivt
ALLA karaktärer är med
Och nästan alla banor
Gigantiskt musikgalleri
Battlefield och No Hazards-lägena
Squad strike
Turneringsläget återvänder
Testarna gillade inte
Laggiga matcher online
Kan ta ett litet tag för den oinsatte att fatta tycke för
Kan te sig kaotiskt i början
- Kräver i princip en ordentlig handkontroll (Controller Pro) för seriöst spelande
Få filmsekvenser i World of light
Homerun contest
Target practice och event matches finns inte längre
Sammanfattning: Where, exactly, to start with a game like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Maybe it's in one of the 74-strong roster of fighters, such as newcomer Isabelle, who has the same propensity for getting shit done here as she does in her native Animal Crossing series...
Publicerad: 2018-12-06, Författare: Dom , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
Sammanfattning: If you own a Nintendo Switch, you need to get Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It's as simple as that. It's the crown jewel in Nintendo's party game line-up - the ‘Infinity War' of video games… the most ambitious crossover episode of all time.From the incredib...
Incredibly tight mechanics for a fighter with more than 70 characters, A complete overload of fantastic single player content, The most amount of polish a Super Smash Bros. game has ever seen
Minor changes to the presentation feel out of place, Could use more variety in content
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate takes characters we've played for decades and remasters them into a robust, fantastically enjoyable package...
Sammanfattning: There's magic to the concept of the crossover, when strange worlds collide and wildly disparate characters meet, which Nintendo has often leveraged by bringing its various mascots together to engage in mortal combat (or occasionally go-karting).But Smas...
So, back to that very first question. Is Smash Bros. Ultimate a port or a whole new game? When you sit down and play, it feels closer to the former: mechanically it feels closest to the Wii U game (arguably the series' peak), with subtle changes to game f...
Publicerad: 2024-01-12, Författare: Steven , testad av: gamepro.com.au
Sammanfattning: Switch it up with our editors' hand-picked list of the best Nintendo Switch games for kids. From your classics such as Pokémon Snap to new entries (that are set to become classics) such as Animal Crossing, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to gaming...
Publicerad: 2024-01-12, Författare: Steven , testad av: gamepro.com.au
Sammanfattning: Nintendo has countless classics in its library with the best selling Nintendo Switch games taking centre stage as some of the greatest experiences of all time. In almost 40 years of gaming excellence with multiple consoles, Nintendo have been pumping out...
As excited as I am to finally be able to play as Joker in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with his interesting moveset, fantastic aesthetic, superb music and cool stage – what has me even more excited is the dedication and vision that Nintendo have displayed...
I could continue to go on about how much fun the new characters are, the interesting Amiibo training modes, the fantastic music and art collection… but the bottom line is this is a fully-featured, portable Super Smash Bros. game that looks fantastic, has...
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is more than best-of-hits collection of Smash games past. It's a tightly woven experience that deftly combines the old with the new and manages to meet the lofty expectations placed on it. It's incredibly easy to pick up and pla...