Testseek.se har samlat 122 tester av Super Smash Bros. Ultimate och det genomsnittliga betyget är 91%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Maj 2019
122 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
1 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Stort utbud av karaktärer
Extremt slipade kontroller
Oerhörd variation av matcher i storyläget
Sofistikerade verktyg för skräddarsydda matchregler
Det snyggaste och mest omfattande Super Smash Bros-spelet hittills
Fortfarande roligast att spela mot andra
Men ändå ett välgjort äventyr för en spelare som är både kul och engagerande
Nästan oändligt med innehåll att upptäcka
Spela fram (och köpa)
Alla och (nästan) allt är här
76 karaktärer - varav 12 nya
Absurt omväxlande
Nytt dedikerat singleplayer läge
Mängder av underbar musik
Grafiska uppdateringar
Hetsigare och mer frenetiskt än någonsin tidigare
Makalöst karaktärsutbud
World of Light är suveränt
över 800 ultraklassiska låtar
Klockren spelkontroll
Stort speldjup
Ljuvlig design
Massor av spellägen
Väldigt intuitivt
ALLA karaktärer är med
Och nästan alla banor
Gigantiskt musikgalleri
Battlefield och No Hazards-lägena
Squad strike
Turneringsläget återvänder
Testarna gillade inte
Laggiga matcher online
Kan ta ett litet tag för den oinsatte att fatta tycke för
Kan te sig kaotiskt i början
- Kräver i princip en ordentlig handkontroll (Controller Pro) för seriöst spelande
Få filmsekvenser i World of light
Homerun contest
Target practice och event matches finns inte längre
Sammanfattning: If your parents ever disparaged your video game obsession as a huge waste of time, they're either a) out of touch or b) lacking in vision. That may sound overly harsh, but there's some truth in this take. Esports, the video game industry's competitive gam...
As much as I have enjoyed all of the DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate so far, Terry is the first one that has me seriously considering adopting him as a main. He's versatile, complex, unique, and most importantly, super fun to play. He's an ex...
The Joker Challenger Pack is a great addition both for Persona fans and those looking to add another unique fighter to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's already diverse roster. With the inclusion of an incredibly flashy stage, new Spirit Battles to challenge...
Publicerad: 2018-12-06, Författare: Tom , testad av: in.ign.com
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate lives up to its name, offering the most comprehensive game in the series to date. It has an absurd amount to play, fight, and unlock – though that can be to its detriment at times. While the World of Light adventure mode isn't r...
Vast and wide ranging roster of fighters, Plenty of variety, Excellent Classic mode, Challenging and clever new adventure mode
Online modes need improving
It's no exaggeration to say Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is hands down the best Smash game yet.There's so much going on, with something for everyone to dip into. The huge roster of fighters certainly makes it feel like you're getting your money's worth and...
Huge roster of characters with more coming soon, Great variety of game modes, Simple, yet addictive, Great for newcomers and series veterans alike, Fun for all ages, especially for multiplayer
Some battles in Adventure Mode can be frustrating, Online multiplayer is not free, Malaysians may have trouble purchasing Season Pass due to Nintendo eShop restrictions
The most highly anticipated Nintendo Switch title, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, certainly delivers on the hype, and is a must-have for every Nintendo Switch gamer out there...
Sammanfattning: If The Game Awards 2020 was a burger, then this would probably be the juicy patty in between the buns. Having something else to talk about besides nominees and winners makes all the difference in an awards ceremony like this one because a burger without a...
Sammanfattning: Steve is one of the most mechanics heavy characters Smash has ever seen. To start, he requires collectable materials to utilize many of his best attacks, and to craft the weapons and tools that he uses to fight. Crafting materials can be gathered by hol...
The Joker Challenger Pack is a great addition both for Persona fans and those looking to add another unique fighter to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's already diverse roster. With the inclusion of an incredibly flashy stage, new Spirit Battles to challenge...