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  Publicerad: 2018-04-10, Författare: Hayden , testad av:

  • Is Radical Heights worth a look? Yeah, sure. It's free, and I think the core game has some potential. It takes the cartoon aesthetic of Fortnite, pairs it with better guns and a more unified aesthetic, and strips out the crafting elements some people don'...

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  Publicerad: 2018-04-11, Författare: Hayden , testad av:

  • Is Radical Heights worth a look? Yeah, sure. It's free, and I think the core game has some potential. It takes the cartoon aesthetic of Fortnite, pairs it with better guns and a more unified aesthetic, and strips out the crafting elements some people don'...

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  Publicerad: 2018-04-11, Författare: Hayden , testad av:

  • Is Radical Heights worth a look? Yeah, sure. It's free, and I think the core game has some potential. It takes the cartoon aesthetic of Fortnite, pairs it with better guns and a more unified aesthetic, and strips out the crafting elements some people don'...

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  Publicerad: 2018-04-20, Författare: Austen , testad av:

  • With its frustrating firefights, questionable cash banking system, and skin-deep style that irritates rather than entertains, Radical Heights is a mess of half-baked ideas that never manage to come together. While it's still in very early access, it is go...

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  Publicerad: 2018-04-21, Författare: Austen , testad av:

  • With its frustrating firefights, questionable cash banking system, and skin-deep style that irritates rather than entertains, Radical Heights is a mess of half-baked ideas that never manage to come together. While it's still in very early access, it is go...

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  Publicerad: 2018-05-14, Författare: RobertoSommer , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Nachdem Lawbreakers sich als totaler Flop entpuppte wollen die Boss Key Productions mit Radical Heights nun den Hype um Battle Royale-Shooter ausnutzen. Doch können sich mit ihrem neuen Spiel erfolgreich in das Genre einreihen?Battle Royale aller Running...

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  Publicerad: 2018-04-21, testad av:

  • In conclusione possiamo sostenere che Radical Heights è un titolo a tratti coraggioso e pieno di spunti che, se sviluppati sapientemente, potrebbero permettergli di competere tranquillamente con la concorrenza. I dubbi nascono tutti attorno alla delicata...

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