Sammanfattning: Max Payne är en före detta snut på dekis som dras in i ett kidnappardrama. Våldet trappas upp och Max dras in i en situation som han hatar. Men, jobbet måste utföras och vem är mer lämpad än Max? Max Payne 2 gavs ut 2003 vilket är nio år sedan. Därför ...
Publicerad: 2012-05-23, Författare: David , testad av:
Sammanfattning: ”So I guess I’d become what they wanted me to be, a killer. Some rent a clown with a gun who puts holes in other bad guys. Well, that’s what they had paid for, so in the end that’s what they got. Say what you want about Americans, but we understand ca...
Sammanfattning: Max Payne har virkelig forsøgt at rydde op i sit liv, efter at han efterlod sine værste rædsler i New Jersey, sin afdøde kone og sit barn. Han sagde farvel til de forfærdelige begivenheder, som også krævede hans partners liv, og til den femme fatale, som ...
Sammanfattning: En skaldet, halvfed alkoholiker i São Paolo.Max Payne har været væk i adskillige år, ni år for at være helt præcis. Mange ting kan ske på ni år. En serie kan skifte hænder fra Remedy Entertainment til Rockstar, man kan udskifte det triste, kolde New Yo...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2012-05-19, Författare: Christian , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Der er en typisk helterolle i computerspil, der aldrig har fortaget sig trods skiftende konsolgenerationer og skiftende navne. Tænk på Guile. Tænk på Link. Tænk på Nathan Drake eller Marcus Fenix. Det overmenneskelige i deres karakterer har altid været...
Sammanfattning: Aside from delivering an enjoyably cinematic single-player experience, Max Payne 3 also manages to offer an addictive, enthralling, and outstanding online multiplayer component. This mode ensures that players have something to do long after they've cleare...
Sammanfattning: The years have simply not been kind to Max Payne. Between a murdered wife and child, one double-cross after another, and a near infinite number of goons slaughtered by his own bullets, Max Payne's existence has descended into that of a tortured one — a...
Sammanfattning: It's been almost a decade since Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne. Rockstar picks up on Max's story from a similar position. Not surprisingly, Max is now retired, popping pills and boozing as he laments the death of his family. Our story begins with Max...
Sammanfattning: Max Payne 3 brings the gritty, anti-hero cop of Remedy’s first two titles kicking and screaming into the modern era, with a pretty big shift in style that might seem a little off-putting at first. It’s less urban noir and more Tony Scott, with a visual...