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Tester av Akibas Beat: Un J-RPG har samlat 11 tester av Akibas Beat: Un J-RPG och det genomsnittliga betyget är 59%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Akibas Beat: Un J-RPG.
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  Publicerad: 2017-05-16, Författare: Martin , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Den japanska spelstudion Acquire verkar tycka om att variera sig när de skapar spel. Deras första två titlar i spelserien som kretsar kring Akihabara-området i Tokyo, var äventyrsspel med slagsmålsmekanik. Spelen emottogs med en viss skepsis i väst då det...

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  Publicerad: 2017-08-16, Författare: Travis , testad av:

  • ‘Akiba's Beat' has a real personality and aesthetic all its own, but once you get into the core gameplay, it disappoints at every turn. Its uneven ratio of combat to NPC wrangling make this an unentertaining and uninspired experience...

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  Publicerad: 2017-07-05, Författare: Matthew , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  There's still half the year to go, but I suspect Akiba's Beat will end up being one of this year's greatest gaming disappointments, at least as far as I'm concerned.See, I loved Akiba's Trip. It was undeniably incredibly problematic in some ways — if not...

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  Publicerad: 2017-06-27, Författare: Jae , testad av:

  • A more interesting story than it initially seems, Much more polished than its predecessor, Some chuckle-worthy humor
  • Annoying navigators that say the same line over and over again, Clunky combat that never truly lives up to its inspirations, Boring dungeon and enemy designs

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  Publicerad: 2017-06-07, Författare: Charlie , testad av:

  • Akiba's Beat is an interesting little title that, unfortunately, will likely be overshadowed by so many other great RPGs that have come out recently. It is a shame, as the presentation and theme are both interesting (even if they are similar to others, al...

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  Publicerad: 2017-05-17, Författare: Kai , testad av:

  • Another chance to stroll around Akihabara, Immersed in otaku culture and design, Combat that feels approachable to fans of Tales of Berseria
  • Mediocre in sound design, character diversity, and actual gameplay, Outside of Imagine Mode, most songs are instantly forgettable, Clunky control, Boss fights can be damage sponges
  • Although a tribute to the likes of Persona and the Tales of Series, Akiba's Beat doesn't have quite enough substance to recommend another Sunday visit to Akihabara...

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  Publicerad: 2017-05-16, Författare: Cory , testad av:

  • Went wrong somewhere along the line. The original idea might have promise, but in practice it has failed. Threatens to be interesting sometimes, but rarely. How we score:  The Destructoid Reviews Guide...

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  Publicerad: 2017-05-16, Författare: Jorge , testad av:

  • “average” is the perfect descriptor for Akiba's Beat. While there is nothing particularly bad about it, it does little to stand out among the most recent releases that truly revitalize the JRPG genre. It is both baffling and disheartening that the devel...

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  Publicerad: 2017-06-15, Författare: Juan , testad av:

  • Un título distinto y original, Argumentalmente curioso
  • El sistema de combate que no se sabe muy bien por donde va, Un apartado artístico que empeora
  • La saga Akiba's nunca destacó por su enorme calidad, pero sí por ser una propuesta desenfada y entretenida. Pues bien, Akiba's Beat ha perdido gran parte de su encanto, quedándose en un claro quiero y no puedo.Si te gustaron los anteriores podrías darle u...

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  Publicerad: 2017-05-16, Författare: Alexandre , testad av:

  • Une véritable immersion dans le quartier Akihabara, Doublages japonais et anglais, Gameplay vraiment addictif, Une bande-son top, Chara-design des persos avec des animations expressives, Une histoire plus sérieuse et plus intéressante, Des donjons
  • Mais trop de temps de chargement, Mais pas de sous-titres en français, Malgré quelques soucis, Même si le thème des combats ne plaira pas à tous, Quasiment aucun bâtiment à visiter, Hit-box énervante avant un combat, Des allers-retours à p
  • Akiba's Beat est une excellente surprise pour ma part et il parvient à poser un scénario vraiment prenant et un gameplay qui m'a clairement séduit. J'ai eu l'impression de jouer à un Tales of mixé avec un Persona et agrémenté par un environnement me perme...

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