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Tester av Mighty No 9 har samlat 22 tester av Mighty No 9 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 56%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Mighty No 9.
22 Tester
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56 0 100 22

Testarna gillade

  • Rolig gameplay med bra tempo
  • Snygg art design
  • Roliga och utmanande bossfighter
  • Sten sax påse-system för bossarna

Testarna gillade inte

  • Vacklande bandesign
  • Extremt tråkig musik
  • Helheten ger en känsla av imperfektion



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  Publicerad: 2016-07-05, Författare: Nakadai , testad av:

  • Rolig gameplay med bra tempo, Snygg art design, Roliga och utmanande bossfighter, Sten sax påse-system för bossarna
  • Vacklande bandesign, Extremt tråkig musik, Helheten ger en känsla av imperfektion

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-28, Författare: Kristoffer , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  I september 2013 startades en Kickstarter-kampanj där Mega Mans fader Keiji Inafune ville skramla ihop pengar för att finansiera en spirituell uppföljare till den blå bombarens klassiska äventyr. Inte helt oväntat blev alla 2D-actionälskare helt lyriska...

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  Publicerad: 2016-07-11, Författare: Nathan , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Oh boy here we go. I'm going to start off by admitting up front that I have never played a Mega Man game before in my life and honestly I thought that would be a good thing going into Mighty No. 9. I haven't played any Mega Man games and I didn't back the...

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-30, Författare: Benny , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  What can be said about Mighty No 9 that hasn't been said across the internet since it was released last week? Well, I could say it's great and get castrated for it, but then I would be lying. This felt like another visit down Tony Hawk Lane (See my review...

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-23, Författare: Chris , testad av:

  • The act of moving through a level, particularly when you time the dashes and jumps perfectly, can be incredibly fun
  • Level design is all over the place, culminating in fauxdifficult boss battles that are even more punishing due to the absurdly arbitrary life system only implemented to artificially extend an absurdly short game

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-20, Författare: Tom , testad av:

  • Dash mechanic is neat, Some enjoyable boss battles
  • Visually bland and uninspiring, Some horrid boss battles and cheap kills

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-20, Författare: Vince , testad av:

  • Despite its pedigree, Mighty No. 9 doesn't seem to have a good sense of what was fun about Mega Man, or 2D action-platformers in general. There are brief moments where its pieces come together, but even then it's hamstrung by its visually joyless art and...

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  Publicerad: 2015-08-11, Författare: Gabriel , testad av:

  • Fast, side-scrolling action. Long levels filled with challenging obstacles and enemies.
  • Level design often penalizes fast movement. Unpredictable power-ups. Bland graphics
  • Mighty No. 9 takes classic Mega Man gameplay and adds a unique spin, creating a challenging and engaging modern variant. That said, this Kickstarter darling has a few issues that need to be straightened out before the game's release...

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  Publicerad: 2015-06-25, Författare: Angelo , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  This E3 I got a chance to check out Keiji Inafune's masterpiece Mighty No. 9, and it was easily one of the most fun experiences I had the entire convention. What I expected was just a Mega Man clone, without Mega Man in it. However, Mighty No. 9 is so mu...

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  Publicerad: 2016-06-20, Författare: Sean , testad av:

  • Challenging Level Designs, Old School Visuals
  • Boss Battles too cheap, Unforgiving Difficulty Spikes, Game freezes and crashes,

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