Testseek.se har samlat 17 tester av Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale och det genomsnittliga betyget är 69%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale.
17 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Sammanfattning: Kändisar från Playstations spelvärldar drabbar samman. Vem är den bäste fightern? Är det någon av tuffingarna Kratos eller Dante? Eller en outsider som Sackboy eller Fat Princess? När GameElites skribent Thomas Helsing testade PS3-versionen av PlayStat...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2012-11-23, Författare: Paul , testad av: skillpoint.se
Sammanfattning: De där spelfigurerna verkar ha svårt att hålla sams. När de inte bråkar på varsitt håll träffas de gärna i smyg och sparras lite tillsammans. Men nu har någon skvallrat (förmodligen Parappa the Rapper) och deras hemliga slagsmålsklubb är nu öppen för både...
Sammanfattning: Om det stämmer att imitation är den finaste sortens komplimang, är Nintendo förmodligen väldigt smickrade just nu. Men Playstation All-Stars erbjuder mer än så. Vi har hårdtestat...
Sammanfattning: Da Sony første gang sendte den originale PlayStation ud på det danske marked, var vi en gruppe venner der brugte stort set alle vores weekender barikeret i en mørkt rum med et enormt fjernsyn og et par controllere. Hvis det ikke var Tekken, der flimred...
Seeing your favorite Sony characters punch each other in the face, Humorous, welldesigned levels that mash up franchises, Fourplayer battles with friends are fun, Cross play support for onthego fighting on the Vita.
Complex battle system makes for a steep learning curve, Lacks the fluid feel of a great fighting game, Horrible, pixelated menu screens, Some stills and a bit of voiceover do not make for a compelling character narrative
PlayStation All-Stars' mix of playful franchise mash-ups and four-player battles fail to mesh with its complex fighting mechanics....
Sammanfattning: Outside of Nintendo, Sony probably has the most recognizable cast of characters. The only difference between the two companies is that Nintendo managed to find a way to bring those characters together in a mascot/mash-up brawler called Super Smash Bros. I...
Sammanfattning: When PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale was announced, the reception was mixed. Some people were excited about the PS3 and Vita getting a brawler, free-for-all fighter filled with iconic characters. Others were ambivalent about the project because they d...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2012-11-21, Författare: Mark , testad av: cnet.com.au
Seeing your favorite Sony characters punch each other in the face, Humorous, well-designed levels that mash up franchises, Four-player battles with friends are fun, Cross play support for on-the-go fighting on the Vita
Complex battle system makes for a steep learning curve, Lacks the fluid feel of a great fighting game, Horrible, pixelated menu screens, Some stills and a bit of voice-over do not make for a compelling character narrative
PlayStation All-Stars' mix of playful franchise mash-ups and four-player battles fail to mesh with its complex fighting mechanics....
Sammanfattning: There have been a number of fighting games released over the years that assembled a number of characters from different franchises.Capcom did it first with its series of Marvel vs. Capcom games and Nintendo released the excellent Super Smash Bros 10 years...