Sammanfattning: Länge har spelbiblioteket till PS Vita ekat tomt. Sony har fått skarp kritik för att de inte ägnat sin bärbara gunstling uppmärksamheten den förtjänat och de mest intressanta titlarna har varit spinoffs på stationära spelserier. Det ser dock ut att lju...
Sammanfattning: Synkkä tunnelma ja kiinnostava, uhraukseen ja pelastamiseen perustuva taistelujärjestelmä ovat Soul Sacrificen ehdottomia etuja. Monster Huntereissa tärkeintä on kuitenkin itse taistelu ja pelaajien välinen yhteistyö. Näiltä osin Inafunen luomus ei kui...
Sammanfattning: Soul Sacrificen päähenkilö on ihmisiä ilmeisesti huvikseen uhrailevan velhon vangiksi jäänyt entinen taikuri, joka juuri ennen omaa uhrausvuoroaan onnistuu pakenemaan kuolleelta vangilta saadun puhuvan kirjan avulla. Kirja tarjoaa mahdollisuuden enempä...
Sammanfattning: All aboard the hype wagon, Soul Sacrifice is finally here for your shiny little Vita, a Vita that is more than hungry for a time consuming Action RPG. Be prepared to plan on getting in a few minutes of gaming, and to then look up at a clock and realiz...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2013-05-06, Författare: Adam , testad av:
Repetitive missions aside, Soul Sacrifice is a worthwhile experience on the Vita. I find myself coming back to the game to get new weapons and run bosses with friends. It's an enjoyable experience that gets better as you get stronger, and may be a good ti...
Sammanfattning: I’m talking to a book. This should seem positively absurd, but, despite a grim sense of humor that lends a small gasp of levity to the morbid proceedings, Soul Sacrifice is a game that takes itself very seriously. Unabashedly dark fantasy, the game’s t...
Publicerad: 2013-04-30, Författare: Jeremy , testad av:
Soul Sacrifice is as rewarding as it is twisted. It is very similar to Monster Hunter but with a much better framework to the experience and gameplay that rivals some of the most popular action games on the market. There is a ton to do and love here, but ...
Sammanfattning: Last week, we gave our initial impressions of Soul Sacrifice, the Monster Hunter-esque game for the PS Vita, and we were hopeful that the game might even warrant a Vita purchase if you've been holding off thus far. After putting in dozens of hours into So...