Testseek.se har samlat 17 tester av Lunar: Silver Star Harmony och det genomsnittliga betyget är 77%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Lunar: Silver Star Harmony.
Mars 2010
17 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Sammanfattning: Tillhör man de japanska rollspelare som blev lite rädda av allt nyskapande FF13 förde med sig så bör man gott ta sig en titt på Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, som på flertalet punkter är den raka motsatsen. För detta är nästan arketypen av ett traditionel...
Sammanfattning: I just want to go on record and say that Lunar: The Silver Star is without question one of the greatest RPGs I've ever encountered. It's a testament to the genre, and one of the few that helped create the magical, enchanting worlds we know today. So it...
Sammanfattning: Role Playing Games are an ever-changing breed as seen with titles like the Final Fantasy series. While these changes can be good there is nothing wrong with good old-fashioned turned based RPGs. Case in point is the Lunar series. Back in the early 90s...
Sammanfattning: For older gamers, or fans of the series, they will immediately see how Silver Star Harmony has been redone for the PSP. In my opinion this iteration is the best looking version of Lunar ever created. The environments have been beautifully redrawn, and ...
Sammanfattning: Lunar’s story has been told many times throughout gaming history, starting from its original rendition on the Sega CD, continuing to Sony’s original PlayStation and Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. Regardless of the platform, the story of Alex and his ques...
As a long time fan of Lunar I couldn't be happier with the remake on PSP. The ability to save your game in the character menu paired with the sleep function of Sony's handheld makes this long role-playing experience very approachable. The story an...
New translation and voice acting, Luna’s Song is rewritten/retranslated, new graphics look great, in battle characters sometimes won’t attack/act due to position
Added opening scene/battle segment spoils all of Lunar’s major plot twists, all animated cutscenes aren’t widescreen, Quark’s dialogue in the beginning is slightly changed, weird black bars appear on the left and right sides of the scree...
Sammanfattning: Lunar: The Silver Star has seen several remakes over the years, but the last time the series went portable, in Lunar: Dragon Song, it flopped commercially and critically. Regardless, Game Arts had remade the original Lunar again, and this time for PSP,...
Sammanfattning: In January we took a look at Lunar: Silver Star Harmony from GungHo / GameArts on the PSP. Today we finish that journey in our review, bringing the verdict on this latest retelling of Alex and his quest to become a legend just like Dragonmaster Dyne. T...