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Tester av Puzzle Chronicles har samlat 11 tester av Puzzle Chronicles och det genomsnittliga betyget är 64%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Puzzle Chronicles.
11 Tester
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  Publicerad: 2010-02-26, Författare: Marcus , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Pussla smart och vinn fajten!Pussel blandat med något rollspelsaktigt har blivit en liten egen subgenre som kom igång ordentligt i och med Puzzle Quest och dess gelikar. Puzzle Chronicles är stöpt i samma form, inte så konstigt kanske då det är samma u...

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  Publicerad: 2010-02-17, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Jag har gett mig i kast med en hel del pusselrollspel på sistone. Puzzle Quest-spelen, Puzzle Quest Galactrix och Might & Magic Clash of Heroes. Jag gillar genren. Då jag personligen tröttnat lite på standardstridssystemet i de japanska rollspelen känn...

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  Publicerad: 2010-03-01, testad av:

  • Combat is occasionally exciting, Decent variety of puzzle minigames
  • Frequent, long load times sap all momentum, Generic story with a frustrating conclusion, Battles are usually one-sided and dull, Bland presentation
  • This rote puzzle role-playing game delivers a few exciting moments but falls far short of measuring up to the game that clearly inspired it....

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  Publicerad: 2010-03-01, Författare: Carolyn , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  When a game is called Puzzle Chronicles, you go in knowing that it's trying to follow in the footsteps of Puzzle Quest, the great game that popularized the concept of couching puzzle gameplay in the context of a larger story. Sadly, Puzzle Chronicles c...

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  Publicerad: 2010-02-20, testad av:

  • Yet another iteration on the great Puzzle Quest, Deep and rewarding gameplay, Can tame your warbeast in cool minigame
  • Formula is feeling tired, Small puzzling screen and weak controls, Crappy sprites take up useful screen space

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  Publicerad: 2010-02-17, testad av:

  • Honestly, if you’ve played and enjoyed Puzzle Quest then Chronicles will surprise and excite you in no way whatsoever. It’s every standard fare puzzle game ever made with the standard fare RPG and adventure elements of Puzzle Quest thrown in...

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  Publicerad: 2010-03-01, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Let’s get this straight, Puzzle Chronicles is not Puzzle Quest and although it’s an interesting game, it fails to draw you in like the aforementioned title. Don’t get me wrong, there are some aspects of Puzzle Chronicles that is entertaining but in the...

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  Publicerad: 2010-07-16, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  If you're looking for a quick and dirty summation of the game we first previewed on Xbox 360 back in May, it's this: the same game, but the smaller screen forgives some of the graphical problems while the loading times make it more boring.Still here?Ok...

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  Publicerad: 2010-03-09, testad av:

  • Unglaubliche Langzeitmotivation, Süchtig machendes Gameplay, Unzählige Variationen mit Ausrüstung und Attributen
  • Überforderndes Tutorial, Keine Dateninstallation möglich – lädt häufig nach, Ausrüstung entscheidet oft Kämpfe
  • Viele große Spiele dürften am Einstiegs-Syndrom leiden: „Final Fantasy X“, „Makai Kingdom“, die „Suikoden“-Reihe, „Okami“ und nun auch „Puzzle Chronicles“. Das Tutorial macht es Einsteigern doch um einen Happen zu komplex, das Spielgefühl sofort zu gen...

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  Publicerad: 2010-02-27, testad av:

  • von Riad Oelschlägel Puzzle Chronicles erfindet das berühmte Rad natürlich keineswegs neu. Zwar gibt es hier und da einige Neuerungen, das wesentliche Spielprinzip haben die Entwickler seit Puzzle Quest allerdings nicht geändert. Und das ist auch gut...

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