Utsidan har stilren design och insidan är tillräckligt kraftfull för att hantera spel
4K och HDR. Oavsett om du streamar film
Serier eller spel så körs det felfritt
Den nya kontrollen och fjärrkontrollen är en enorm förbättring mot förra versionen
Testarna gillade inte
Ingen fjärrkontroll i rutan
Android TV saknar fortfarande appstöd för många stora namntjänster
Spelvänligt utseende är en förvärvad smak
Fjärrkontroll ingår inte som standard och tar snabbt slut på batteri. Irriterande att man måste välja mellan 16 och 500 GB – och prisskillnaden på 900 kronor är för stor
Hörlursuttaget på fjärrkontrollen och MicroSD-ingången har försunnit. Priset är i högsta laget
Publicerad: 2019-12-08, Författare: Jared , testad av: talkandroid.com
Sammanfattning: NVIDIA released a refreshed NVIDIA Shield TV alongside an NVIDIA Shield TV Pro with some marginal CPU upgrades and a handful of new features. These aren't drastic improvements, but the original NVIDIA Shield TV still holds up as one of the best streaming...
Publicerad: 2019-12-07, Författare: Andrew , testad av: missingremote.com
Sammanfattning: Finally got around to documenting my thoughts on the 2019 NVIDIA Shield TV. Includes thermal images & power consumption numbers for several use cases...
Speed is unrivaled by most streaming boxes, Possibilities abound with Plex Media Server, USB tuners, Kodi, and SmartThings Link, Capable voice search with Google Assistant
Headache-inducing remote control, No Dolby Vision or HDR10+ support, Android TV is still behind on TV guide features and app support
Nvidia's excessively powerful streaming box won't appeal to everyone, and that's okay...
Publicerad: 2018-11-30, Författare: Ryan , testad av: androidpolice.com
Yes, if you need a powerful, well-supported streaming box. If your main goal is to stream some Netflix to your TV, you don't need the SHIELD; just get a $30 Chromecast and save yourself some money. If you're looking at getting the Chromecast Ultra, you sh...
Sammanfattning: As a gadget lover when I buy certain gadgets, I buy them with a particular use expectancy. Some things are not worth buying after a certain period. They lose their novelty and are outdated. The market has gotten flooded with media streamers, and there's a...
Sammanfattning: As a gadget lover when I buy certain gadgets, I buy them with a particular use expectancy. Some things are not worth buying after a certain period. They lose their novelty and are outdated. The market has gotten flooded with media streamers, and there's a...
Sammanfattning: For years my wife and I dropped cable television simply because we didn't have the money for it in our budget. Then eventually we added back a basic package and were okay with that. Fast forward 6 years later and we are spending a fortune and have every c...
Publicerad: 2017-12-13, Författare: Jared , testad av: talkandroid.com
Android TV is in a really uncomfortable position. It's not being supported as well as Android on smartphones, and it doesn't seem like Google particularly cares. On the other side of that, it doesn't seem like NVIDIA cares that Google doesn't care. They'v...
Sammanfattning: Whether you've just gotten rid of cable or want to supplement your TV package with online video, now's an excellent time to buy a media streaming device. Compared to the typical smart TV, standalone streamers such as the Roku Streaming Stick and Amazon Fi...