Utsidan har stilren design och insidan är tillräckligt kraftfull för att hantera spel
4K och HDR. Oavsett om du streamar film
Serier eller spel så körs det felfritt
Den nya kontrollen och fjärrkontrollen är en enorm förbättring mot förra versionen
Testarna gillade inte
Ingen fjärrkontroll i rutan
Android TV saknar fortfarande appstöd för många stora namntjänster
Spelvänligt utseende är en förvärvad smak
Fjärrkontroll ingår inte som standard och tar snabbt slut på batteri. Irriterande att man måste välja mellan 16 och 500 GB – och prisskillnaden på 900 kronor är för stor
Hörlursuttaget på fjärrkontrollen och MicroSD-ingången har försunnit. Priset är i högsta laget
Publicerad: 2017-04-07, Författare: Daniel , testad av: androidguys.com
Despite all of the niggles with Android TV as an OS, there is very little I had complaints about with the Shield TV. It is small, quiet and powerful with all the features and more that I look for in a set-top box.The Nvidia Shield is a monster of a stream...
Right it is time to sum up a thing or two. The Nvidia Shield Android TV 2017 is mostly a form-factor upgrade over the older model. Initially what started as just a simple streaming device these days has advanced towards a streaming device with exemplary m...
Sammanfattning: When my colleague Will called last year's Nvidia Shield “ a cord cutter's dream “, he was in no way being hyperbolic I think we all assumed Nvidia was going to rest on their laurels a bit and let the device build in popularity, but nope! I've been spendin...
Sammanfattning: The word ‘Shield' has become synonymous with gaming, thanks to the lineup of NVIDIA's entertainment-forward portables, tablets, and TV boxes. A little over a year ago, NVIDIA brought not only Android to the small screen, but their own version of gaming Ne...
A better deal than before, New controller actually feels good, Remote is bundled in the box, Decent game streaming performance
GeForce Now streaming requires a subscription and additional purchases, Not so great for heavy-duty Android games, No big internal hardware changes, Not that much cheaper than a game console
It's mostly the same as before, but the new Shield TV is still a better overall package than the original 2015 version. It has a better controller and actually includes a remote in the box. But only NVIDIA fans need apply.The good news if you bought the l...
When the rumors first started surfacing that a new SHIELD was en route, some might have expected that the new one would easily be a step-up from the previous model. However, the truth is that it is not a massively different device to the 2015 NVIDIA SHIEL...
Writing a verdict for the new SHIELD TV is pretty darn easy. It's the best Android TV box on the market. Period. It's got the gaming performance, exciting new features coming, fantastic controller, and NVIDIA backing it up with speedy updates. As a consum...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-01-25, Författare: David , testad av: cnet.com
The 2017 Nvidia Shield Android TV streaming box offers just about every must-have app, including Amazon Video, and many include 4K along with HDR. It's a versatile gaming platform with an improved controller. Voice search and interactivity, from controlle
More expensive than competing streamers. Not as many 4K and HDR apps as Roku, and no access to first-tier games without streaming from a PC
The 2017 Nvidia Shield is better than ever, and the addition of Amazon finally makes it a viable high-end alternative to Roku...
A better deal than before, New controller actually feels good, Remote is bundled in the box, Decent game streaming performance
GeForce Now streaming requires a subscription and additional purchases, Not so great for heavy-duty Android games, No big internal hardware changes, Not that much cheaper than a game console
It's mostly the same as before, but the new Shield TV is still a better overall package than the original 2015 version. It has a better controller and actually includes a remote in the box. But only NVIDIA fans need apply. Hardware It's a smalle...