Utsidan har stilren design och insidan är tillräckligt kraftfull för att hantera spel
4K och HDR. Oavsett om du streamar film
Serier eller spel så körs det felfritt
Den nya kontrollen och fjärrkontrollen är en enorm förbättring mot förra versionen
Testarna gillade inte
Ingen fjärrkontroll i rutan
Android TV saknar fortfarande appstöd för många stora namntjänster
Spelvänligt utseende är en förvärvad smak
Fjärrkontroll ingår inte som standard och tar snabbt slut på batteri. Irriterande att man måste välja mellan 16 och 500 GB – och prisskillnaden på 900 kronor är för stor
Hörlursuttaget på fjärrkontrollen och MicroSD-ingången har försunnit. Priset är i högsta laget
Publicerad: 2015-06-21, Författare: Chris , testad av: engadget.com
Sammanfattning: Never let it be said that Google gives up on ideas that don't pan out the first time. Remember when it tried invading our living rooms with clunky, disappointing set-top boxes ? And then when that very same software went on to find a life right on smart T...
Sammanfattning: The Nvidia NVDA +0.50% Shield is the most powerful streaming TV set-top box ever made. With it, you can stream 4K videos and play console-quality videogames, two things you can't do on a Roku, an Apple AAPL -0.30% TV, Amazon's Fire TV and even Google 'sGO...
Reviewing the NVIDIA Shield Android TV was not an easy task, since there is nothing else currently on the market that could be considered as worthy competition. First of all, the hardware is in a league of its own. The Shield is built around the Tegra X1...
The SHIELD Android TV is a reasonably priced premium 4K over-the-top set top box with gaming performance that well exceeds any other STB. In that respect, given the rising importance of OTT streaming and casual gaming in the living room, NVIDIA has achiev...
Publicerad: 2015-05-29, Författare: Andrew , testad av: androidcentral.com
Great gaming potential, 4K video support, Futureproof hardware, Lots of ports
Android TV apps are still lacking, Accessories are expensive, Most expensive box in this class, Larger than other boxes
The second iteration of the Shield Android TV is a proper successor that shows NVIDIA knows just how to iterate on this platform. In an Android TV space that still lacks a robust number of choices — and even fewer good choices — the Shield Android TV stan...
Publicerad: 2015-05-28, Författare: Sean , testad av: gizmodo.com
Do you really need a media streamer? Do you want to spend an extra $100-$150 to make sure it’s a media streamer that plays a tiny collection of Android games really, really well? (Are you sure you don’t just want to buy a more capable Xbox One or PS4 for...
Publicerad: 2015-05-28, Författare: Chris , testad av: slashgear.com
You don't have to worry about this platform being new, like you did when PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launched. It's already got a stable of games, pumped up and waiting for you to play.You don't have to worry about this platform relegating which media you...
The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV is the first Android TV device to support 4K content and it without a doubt the most power model on the market when it comes to gaming performance. This means that if you are one of the lucky individuals that owns a 4K Ultra H...