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Tester av Art Style: Cubello har samlat 5 tester av Art Style: Cubello och det genomsnittliga betyget är 75%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Art Style: Cubello.
5 Tester
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  Publicerad: 2009-02-16, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Art Style: CubelloLinkki: pelin kotisivuArt Style -sarjan ensimmäinen Euroopassa julkaisu teos Cubello haastaa purkamaan erivärisistä kuutioista muodostettuja pyöriviä kolmiulotteisia rakennelmia. Pelaaja ampuu rakennelmaan uusia kuutioita Wiimoten avu...

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Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2009-01-22, testad av:

  • Clever 3D puzzle mechanics, Fun and addictive gameplay, Simple but effective motion controls.
  • Annoying digital narration, Skimpy on modes and options.
  • Giant polygons go on the attack in this fun and inexpensive puzzle game. ...

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  Publicerad: 2008-10-26, Författare: Jonathan , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Art Style goes original. Proving that Nintendos Art Style series goes beyond remakes of the Bit Generations line, Cubello is an original puzzle game that could only be done with a pointer device. Like Orbient before it, the concept is very simple, an...

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Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2009-02-21, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Or: The Game That Made Me Love The Wii Again.You or may not be aware that, back in 2006, Nintendo put out a series of mostly awesome games on the GBA, known as the bitGeneration series. Released only in Japan, and developed by the lovely men responsibl...

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Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2008-12-18, testad av:

  • Starts simple, Ramps up to megachallenges, Well thought out foundation
  • Brain hurting concept, Looks really bland, Arbitrary bonus stages

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