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Tester av Dive: The Medes Island Secret har samlat 3 tester av Dive: The Medes Island Secret och det genomsnittliga betyget är 76%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Dive: The Medes Island Secret.
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  Publicerad: 2010-08-09, Författare: Zachary , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Early reports suggested that Dive: The Medes Island Secret would be something akin to an underwater Metroid game, but after sitting down and actually playing Dive for awhile, I can safely say that it's almost nothing like Metroid, but instead very sim...

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  Publicerad: 2010-08-09, testad av:

  • 3 save slots, 3 difficulty levels, artifacts to find, achievements to earn, can see achievement requirements before unlocking them, extra oxygen tanks and tranquilizer darts are littered along ocean floor, fish are quite colorful and add a little something extra to make environments look nice and there are checkpoints which save your progress and restore oxygen scattered throughout dive areas. So
  • Text on story scene segments is a bit small, can upgrade equipment. Some enemies and harmful fish are difficult to see until you’re right on top of them and already attacked. Music doesn’t add anything to the atmosphere. Dives can get repetative. The dive areas all look pretty similar. In almost every case, the treasures for the level are on the far right side of the map.

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  Publicerad: 2010-08-02, testad av:

  • Is Dive an amazing WiiWare title? Eh, not really. But it's certainly plenty good for 1000 Wii points. It's a slower paced, exploration game where every misstep kills you, yet somehow comes off as a casual, play-it-every-so-often kind of game. One thing...

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