Sammanfattning: Skyrim, Zelda, fladdermöss och två maffiga krigsspel med snorhöga betyg under samma höst. Kanske dags att ta en paus från all underhållning och spela något riktigt dåligt istället?
Sammanfattning: Jag har besökt fyra semesteranläggningar och spelat en massa minispel. Blev det en lyckad semester? Läs om mina erfarenheter av Go Vacation. 50 aktiviteter, oräkneliga sätt att spela på. Det är Go Vacation i ett nötskal om man ska tro vad som står på k...
Sammanfattning: Hvis du ejer en Wii, er der gode chancer for, at du efterhånden er blevet lige så træt af minispils-samlinger som jeg. Specielt fordi ingen øjensynligt kan finde ud af at ramme den samme kvalitet som Nintendos egne bud i form af Wii Sports og Wii Sport...
Publicerad: 2018-11-08, Författare: Matthew , testad av:
Sammanfattning: It shouldn't be too surprising that Go Vacation seems like a throwback to a previous generation of Nintendo games — back to the Wii, when the success of Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort led to seemingly every publisher trying to get in on the act with som...
Publicerad: 2018-07-26, Författare: Dave , testad av:
Loads of minigames and activities, Small but fun open world resorts, Loads of vehicles to use, Great for multiplayer
Boring solo, Graphics are dated, Some minigames feel similar to one another
Go Vacation is an incredibly basic game, in addition to being a seven year old port. But somehow, despite my initial inklings that this was a shovelware game, I actually found myself really enjoying it. I always admire local multiplayer experiences, and I...
Sammanfattning: The game presents 50 mini-games spread across four resorts: beach, city, snow, and mountain. The mini-games are all designed according to their respective resorts, and the variety is certainly admirable. While at the beach resort, you can go scuba div...
Sammanfattning: Up until recently, I would say that Wii Sports Resort was easily the best vacation-themed video game on Wii. A new challenger has arrived, however, and takes the formula set by Nintendo with its Wii Sports games and goes absolutely crazy by packing in ...
Sammanfattning: Wii Go Vacation is the latest mini-game collection for the gaming system. Wii Go Vacation follows in the tracks of Wii Sports Resort, Wii Sports, and Wii Party. Go Vacation is very similar to Sports Resort with the location moved from Wuhu Island to Ka...