Testseek.se har samlat 21 tester av Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings och det genomsnittliga betyget är 58%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.
21 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Sammanfattning: Piskälskaren Indiana Jones är tillbaka i ett matinédoftande äventyr i jakt på ännu en uråldrig artefakt. Bättre än Lego-varianten, eller luktar det bara möglig flanellskjorta?
Sammanfattning: Jeg var ikke gamle pjokken da jeg opplevde Indiana Jones for første gang. Pappa hadde tatt opp The Temple Of Doom på VHS og jeg og en kompis tok en grundig titt etter skoletid før de-som-bestemmer-hvilke-filmer-man-får-lov-til-å-se kom hjem fra jobb. J...
Sammanfattning: For at uddybe hvorfor folk går så meget op i det, skal vi belyse hvor fænomenalt gode Indiana Jones-spillene engang var. LucasArts var dengang måske den mest kvalitetsbevidste og progressive spiludvikler i Vesten, og resultatet var blandt andet nogle g...
Sammanfattning: Indiana Jones is an iconic character that almost everyone reading this review probably remembers fondly from their childhoods. Unfortunately, the last year or so haven't exactly been kind to Indy. First we get the letdown that is Kingdom of the Crystal Sk...
While Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings is not a big-budget blockbuster, it is a more than able game that keeps the spirit of Indiana Jones alive better than a certain movie that shall not be named. The game looks good and the gameplay is enjoyable ...
Sammanfattning: It’s been six long years since we’ve been treated to an Indiana Jones game and that was on the PC and original Xbox. About a year after the release of Emperor’s Tomb I remember seeing some exceptional footage from the new next-gen installment of the f...
Sammanfattning: The Indiana Jones franchise is one I hold very close to my heart. Even more so than Star Wars. Yeah, I said it. You see, there’s just something about an adventuring archaeologist fighting Nazis and exploring our world that speaks to me. I ate up everyt...
Sammanfattning: Given the endearing popularity of Indiana Jones as one of Hollywood's all-time greatest heroes, it was with a fuzzy warm sense of childlike anticipation that this reviewer popped Indian Jones and the Staff of Kings into the Wii, eager to actually becom...
Sammanfattning: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings for the Nintendo Wii suffers terrible shooting mechanics, hard to drive vehicles, easy and often pointless puzzles, and level designs that take the energy right out of the game play. ScreenshotsThe Great PartsRati...