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Tester av Lets Catch har samlat 3 tester av Lets Catch och det genomsnittliga betyget är 75%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Lets Catch.
3 Tester
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  Publicerad: 2009-06-25, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  In 1963, Alfred Hitchcock directed a horror film about birds. Not super-strong hulk birds, or vagina dentata mouthed devil-birds, just regular birds. Pretty weak subject matter for a horror film, but some say that was the whole point. Legend has it th...

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  Publicerad: 2009-06-23, Författare: Neal , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  So youre playing catch with this kid, and then a UFO appears. Im not kidding. Lets Catch is one weird game. Developed by Prope and offered up as something of a companion piece to Lets Tap, it has one primary focus: playing the game of catch. Despi...

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Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2009-07-09, testad av:

  • Pleasingly tactile controls, Finely tuned throwing, Appealing characters
  • Price seems a bit steep, Not a whole lot to it, Won't replace real Catch

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