In case it hasn't been clear up to this point let us reiterate again that Dark Souls is incredibly challenging, in fact at times it verges on feeling like some sections are impossible. This is a game which has been responsible for more expletives than ...
Sammanfattning: Dark Souls Namco Bandai's spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls arrives on the XBox 360 and PS3 with Dark Souls, that furthers the hardcore nature of the RPG genre. This action based RPG transforms the player into one of the walking dead as you are given a...
Sammanfattning: Anyone who can’t remember Demon’s Souls... by all accounts can’t have played the game. No sane person could possibly forget the amount of sadistic anguish inflicted on them when this PS3 exclusive was released. Half role-playing game, half third-person...
Sammanfattning: PlayStation gamers were treated to an action RPG that broke the mould; Demon's Souls, a genre-shattering Dark Fantasy that played almost as if it was The Legend of Zelda for grownups. Praised for its exceedingly high difficulty, wonderful setting and tigh...
Challenging gameplay is rewarding; gorgeous game world is fun to explore.
Challenging gameplay is excruciating; gorgeous game world distracts you from the mob sneaking up behind you look out! ...too late.
If you want a recommendation on the game, here it is: if you're the kind of gamer who thrives on difficult challenges and enjoys the thrill of victory that comes from overcoming them, then you have to get Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a five-star game for...
Düsterer Survival-Horror-Rollenspiel-Hit für Hardcore-Gamer der alten Schule mit unglaublich fesselnder, albtraumhafter Atmosphäre und zauberhaftem Galgenhumor. Definitiv ein Spiel, über das man noch in zehn Jahren (oder mehr) sprechen wird....
Dark Souls ist ein gelungenes Action-Rollenspiel, das den Spieler schnell auf die Palme bringt. Die Gegner sind überproportional schwer, manchmal ist es sogar nicht möglich sie zu killen und dennoch kann man nicht einfach aufhören zu spielen. Wer also...
Riesige, in sich stimmige Welt, Ansprechender Schwierigkeitsgrad, Echtes Taktieren gefragt, Interessantes Setting und Spielmöglichkeiten, Ungewöhnlich lange Spielzeit
Grafik recht detailarm, Unbeeindruckende Soundkulisse, Übertriebenes RagdollFeature, Kann manchmal richtig frusten, Kuriose Sprecher und Dialoge