Sammanfattning: Alla som kan sin Mad Max II: The Road Warrior (och även Beyond Thunderdome så klart) kommer att känna igen sig. Den efterapokalyptiska atmosfären ligger likt ett tjockt dammoln i vardagsrummet och sprider snabbt en känsla av sand, stål och blod. Det är...
Herlig åpen verden
Bra historie
Masse gode sideoppdrag
Glimrende stemning
Interessant kampsystem
Repetitivt innendørs
Til dels slapp grafikk
Det er umulig å snakke om Fallout 3 uten å nevne Oblivion. Det tredje spillet i den legendariske rollespillserien har tross alt langt mer til felles med Bethesdas flotte RPG fra et par år tilbake enn med sine egne forgjengere. Ikke så rart, selvsagt, d...
Sammanfattning: Fallout 3 har længe været i den kategori af spil, man aldrig helt troede ville udkomme. Specielt efter de originale udviklere drejede nøglen om, og det daværende Fallout 3 projekt blev droppet. Nu har Bethesda samlet faklen op, og denne gang er Fallou...
Det medrivende, fascinerende nivers, hvor man har så mange valg og så meget frihed, at man nærmest forsvinder fra denne verden.
Under de loadetider, der trods alt er, når vi bevæger os ind i bygninger samt hopper mellem tidligere besøgte steder.
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-04-24, Författare: Jonathan , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Bethesda Softworks struck pay dirt in March of 2006 with their epic RPG, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. That title, more than any other, served as the poster child for what gamers could expect from "next-gen" graphics and content. Skip forward two and a...
In all, Fallout 3 delivers more in style than in gameplay. The Capital Wasteland conveys a bleak reality. Graphics, though limited by the theme, are depressive and barren -- as they should be. The retro theme adds an eerie reality to it all. This is pa...
Sammanfattning: Once in a while a game comes along that you just know is going to be good. Fallout 3 was one of those games, the same developers as the excellent Elder Scrolls have made it: Oblivion title that won loads of awards for its excellent gameplay almost 3 ...
Sammanfattning: I just beat Fallout 3 today. I started playing again yesterday after a long break. Coming back to it, a lot of my nagging issues with it are a lot clearer to me.I was really excited when I heard about the game. Especially the part when they said you co...
perity or desolation?The game is a great and worth the money. Sure, it does have its rough spots. However, this is a shining example of what a “next-gen” RPG and FPS should be. If you do get it from your standard retail store, the main game wi...
Opportunities for boss battles are largely ignored, not much in the way of transportation, difficulty can be irritating with radiation or addiction effecting you, endings leave a lot to be desired,