Sammanfattning: Mass Effect var anledningen till att jag, efter många år som Nintendo- och Sony-hängiven, valde att investera i en Xbox 360. Kombinationen av Biowares mästerliga berättande, en tilltalande scifi-historia och en originell spelmekanik som kombinerade rol...
Sammanfattning: Commander Shepard takker af.Der er en ung pige i de nederste dele af Citadel. Hun er egentligt en sølle sag, ganske godtroende og fuldstændig fortabt. Hver gang hun nærmer sig skranken i den uofficielle flygtningelejr, der i alt hast er blevet oprettet...
Sammanfattning: Vi tager med kommandør John Shepard på et sidste hæsblæsende eventyr for at finde ud af det....Historien starter umiddelbart efter slutningen på det sidste ekstra indhold, ”Arrival”, som blev udgivet til Mass Effect 2. Kommandør Shepard har fået fjerne...
Sammanfattning: BioWaren Mass Effect -avaruussaaga on muotoutunut yhdeksi kaikkien aikojen eeppisimmistä, elokuvallisimmista ja tunteita herättävimmistä pelisarjoista. Komentaja Shepardin taistelu kaiken kehittyneen orgaanisen elämän 50 000 vuoden välein tuhoavaa reap...
Sammanfattning: Aika alkaa käydä vähiin. Nimittäin mikäli on yksi niistä monista, jotka odottavat Biowaren massiivisen Mass Effect-avaruussaagan kolmatta osaa. Maaliskuun alussa julkaistavasta pelistä on tihkunut varsinaista juonellista pelattavaa vasta aivan viime me...
There is no doubt that Mass Effect 3 is a great game. BioWare did as every developer should and listened to the community for their input about the game and universe they love. The gameplay, graphics, sound, and multiplayer all turned out to be top-not...
The writers are at the top of their game throughout Mass Effect 3, Combat is extremely fluid, and feels much improved over Mass Effect 2, Thrasher Maw vs Reaper = EPIC
Most of the good systems in Mass Effect 2 have been streamlined to nonexistence, The way you acquire side missions is completely lazy programming, Why do Geth, a mechanical construct, have MediGel packs on their flagship?
While Mass Effect 3 has some flaws that keep it from achieving the perfection that Mass Effect 2 ha...
Sammanfattning: Considered by many as the most anticipated title of 2012, Mass Effect 3 wraps up a sci-fi action-drama spanning nearly five full years. In that time, we’ve seen the entire RPG genre influenced by a single franchise that redefined immersion through play...
Sammanfattning: My face is not my own. I imagine you’ve heard this before (probably from me), but the details really do matter. Now, it would take a really petty person to base an entire review off the fact that Mass Effect 3 couldn’t properly import the face I create...
Focus on moral decision making that doesn't just focus on epic, galaxy-saving issues, Improvements to player movement make you feel more like an action hero, Wraps up a wide range of sprawling subplots without straying too far from the main story, Detaile
Cover system can still be frustratingly wonky, Enemy forces don't get harder so much as more numerous
No matter how many shots you take, that hair never falls out of place.Image courtesy of EA