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Tester av Hitman HD Enhanced Collection har samlat 10 tester av Hitman HD Enhanced Collection och det genomsnittliga betyget är 71%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Hitman HD Enhanced Collection.
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  Publicerad: 2019-01-20, Författare: Anders , testad av:

  • Et nostalgisk kig tilbage for fans af serien, områderne i Blood Money
  • Styringen i Blood Money, de låste baner i Absolution

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-25, Författare: Matthew , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  While I still believe that Red Dead Redemption 2 was the best game of last year, my favourite game of 2018 was undoubtedly Hitman 2. The fun formula of sandbox levels and dark humour the game established in its 2016 reboot was taken to new heights in the...

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-21, Författare: Lewis , testad av:

  • Two fantastic games in one bundle, 60fps feels incredible as always, A modern resolution really helps to realise the scope of these games
  • Pre-rendered cutscenes haven't been touched up at all, Not worth £60 at all

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-19, Författare: Cade , testad av:

  • These games are not bad games, that should be made clear, they're just games of their time. Holding them up to the light reveals many flaws, especially when held up next to their current iterations in the series. IO Interactive hasn't done enough to make...

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-17, Författare: Mitch , testad av:

  • Incredible visual enhancements, Improved controls, Great game design, Lots of replay potential
  • Superficial improvements, Titles not sold separately
  • The classics never die…they just get remastered

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-16, Författare: Ken , testad av:

  • Seeing the evolution of the series, Nice visual and control upgrades
  • Not sold separately, Price point is a bit much

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-20, Författare: Lloyd , testad av:

  • Blood Money has the best campaign of the series, Absolution still looks great, and plays well, Two games in one package, Excellent difficulty options that balance challenge with accessibility,
  • Blood Money's visuals are tough to look at, Absolution is still very linear, No contracts mode,
  • Aside from a fresh lick of paint, both Hitman titles in the Enhanced Collection are still worth a play-through. While Absolution looks as good as a current generation title, and its campaign is still a fun ride, Blood Money stands out as the crown jewel n...

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-23, Författare: Theo , testad av:

  • Level design convincente, diverte, Sistema a missioni efficace, Miglioramenti grafici evidenti
  • Comandi molto scomodi, Sistema di mira insoddisfacente, poco pratico, Hitbox ampiamente migliorabili

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-23, Författare: Angelo , testad av:

  • Opportunità per rigiocare importanti capitoli della saga
  • Nessuna novità, Prezzo alto
  • Il difetto principale di Hitman HD: Enhanced Collection è il prezzo. Trattandosi di una remastered che non aggiunge alcun contenuto inedito, proporre la collezione a prezzo pieno - benchè composta da 2 titoli - risulta eccessivo. La produzione Square Enix...

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  Publicerad: 2019-01-21, Författare: Dominik , testad av:

  • Kvalitetno odrađen prijelaz na današnji vizualni gaming ideal 4K sliku u 60 sličica po sekundi, Sjajna cijena za sve koji mrze novce i pokušavaju ih se riješiti, Ne košta 70 eura
  • Košta 60 eura, IO zaboravio da je obećao nove kontrole za Blood Money, ne novu osjetljivost analognih stickova, Izuzetno čudan termin izlaska
  • Blood Money definitivno je izdržao test vremena po pitanju dizajna razina i ostalih gameplay karakteristika, no osvježene teksture i bolje osvjetljenje teško da su razlog da potrošite 60 eura na ovu zbirku remastera, pogotovo s obzirom da nismo dobili vel...

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