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Tester av Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition har samlat 2 tester av Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition och det genomsnittliga betyget är 72%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition.
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  Publicerad: 2021-03-15, Författare: Freelance , testad av:

  • Even the failures are rewarding, It's spacecraft that you build, It teaches you to multitask, It teaches you that no success comes for free, Whatever progress you make feels rewarding, The controls are as good as they can get on a controller, The commu
  • The game is shortly being replaced by a sequel, No multiplayer, Laggy when too many things happen at the same time, The game is still better with a mouse
  • Kerbal Space Program, a game that I only would recommend to patient people who can handle failures, is a game that will tingle your imagination and constantly challenge you. The Enhanced Edition for PS4 adds more ways to explore the space, hopefully with...

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  Publicerad: 2020-09-29, Författare: Scott , testad av:

  • This game has no business being on a console. A painful and abrasive gameplay experience that will disappoint most players...

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