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Tester av Lords of the Fallen har samlat 13 tester av Lords of the Fallen och det genomsnittliga betyget är 71%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Lords of the Fallen.
13 Tester
0 Tester
71 0 100 13

Testarna gillade

  • Snygga miljöer och ljuseffekter
  • Belönande stridssystem
  • Bra design
  • Otroligt utmanande

Testarna gillade inte

  • Avsaknaden av karta
  • Bilduppdateringen sviker ibland



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  Publicerad: 2014-11-20, Författare: Roger , testad av:

  • Snygga miljöer och ljuseffekter, Belönande stridssystem, Bra design, Otroligt utmanande
  • Avsaknaden av karta, Bilduppdateringen sviker ibland

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  Publicerad: 2014-11-04, testad av:

  • Interesting character creation, Innovative ways to gain experience points, Tigh, challenging gameplay
  • Tiresome boss battles, Bland environments and sound, Dull story and characters
  • Lords of the Fallen is a little bland, but it's a perfectly good distraction with a bit more bite than most modern action/RPGs. It's usually considered bad form to talk about a game solely in relation to another game, but discussing Lords of th...

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  Publicerad: 2014-10-30, Författare: Angelo , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Lords of the Fallen, the new action game from Deck 13 and Bandai Namco, is an interesting creation. On the surface, it looks a whole lot like a “ Dark Souls ” style game, a slow and plodding action game that relies heavily on well-timed blocks and dodges...

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  Publicerad: 2014-10-28, Författare: Tyler , testad av:

  • A competent action RPG with real challenge that lets you get a little too powerfulthat is, if your PC is powerful enough to run it without crashing...

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  Publicerad: 2014-10-27, Författare: Kevin , testad av:

  • Combat feels hefty and satisfying, Atmospheric and interwoven world makes it fun to explore, Cool and creepy visits to another dimension, Grotesque creature designs reinforce the demonic setting
  • Bosses aren't as tough as they look, Vague levelgating leads to pointless meandering

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  Publicerad: 2014-11-04, Författare: Alastair , testad av:

  • Solid combat, fun loot and character development mechanics
  • Some annoying bugs
  • Lords of the Fallen's core gameplay mechanics are solid. The game offers a more personalised, narrative-driven take on the hardcore sword and sorcery gameplay made famous by the Dark Souls series...

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  Publicerad: 2014-11-07, Författare: Dominik , testad av:

  • tolle Grafik, gute, deutsche Sprachausgabe, durchwegs fordernd, NG++++, mehrere Enden, Frust-Anreiz, tolles Multiplikator-System
  • teils nervige Kamera, hoher Frustfaktor, gelegentliche Bug-Splats, gelegentliche Grafikbugs, teils dümmliche KI, flache Dialoge
  • Lords of the Fallen will nicht Dark Souls sein und dennoch bewegt es sich verdächtig nah am theoretischen Vorbild und macht es einem schwer, es individuell zu bewerten. Als alter Dark Souls Spieler fühlt man sich sofort wohl und wird von derselben Art von...

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  Publicerad: 2014-11-05, testad av:

  • Spannendes Kampfsystem, Schicke DarkFantasyWelt, Monumentaler Soundtrack
  • Tearing, Framedrops, Laggende Kamera, Kein AutoFokus, Träge Steuerung, Sehr dünne Story, Beliebige Charaktere

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  Publicerad: 2014-10-28, Författare: Javi , testad av:

  • La vuelta de los Action RPG a la nueva generación, Gran doblaje a pesar de no estar en castellano, Intenso
  • Algunos bugs y fallos gráficos
  • No es el gran juego que todos esperábamos pero tampoco es un desastre. No es un action RPG como los de antaño. Tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas, y como siempre decimos: “vosotros tenéis la última palabra”.Las comparaciones son odiosas y este títul...

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  Publicerad: 2023-11-06, Författare: Kevin , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Sortie en 2014 sur PlayStation, Xbox et PC, le premier Lords of the Fallen avait laissé un goût amer pour la plupart des joueurs. Rempli de belles promesses, le jeu nous avait laisser plus que sur notre appétit pour de multiples raisons. La plus important...

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