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Tester av Extrasensory Devices Luxi har samlat 3 tester av Extrasensory Devices Luxi och det genomsnittliga betyget är 80%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Extrasensory Devices Luxi.
3 Tester
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  Publicerad: 2014-03-12, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  In photography, making good shots is all about having the right settings in your camera for the available light. In some circumstances, that task may be difficult to accomplish. That’s when a light meter can help. The downside of a professional light...

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  Publicerad: 2014-02-04, Författare: David , testad av:

  • Accurate, handheld light meter, competes with professional units at a tenth of the price
  • No flash metering available

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  Publicerad: 2014-01-14, testad av:

  • Free accompanying app; superb accuracy; tenth cost of traditional light meter
  • Have to remove iPhone case to use it, US$30
  • Luxi is ideal for advanced DSLR photographers who want to get the accuracy and flexibility of an incident light meter without carrying yet another gadget. If you don't have a light meter yet, Luxi gets you get in the game for less than a tenth the cost of...

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