Sammanfattning: Jag är ganska säker på att alla former av liknelser man kan dra mellan Dead Cells och det där stora livet vi alla sliter med att förstå - är en ren tillfällighet. Men icke desto mindre finns det något väldigt bekant i hur spelet får oss att hasta fram i j...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2018-08-06, Författare: Fredrik , testad av:
Uppgraderingarna skapar bra progression, Mystiskt story, Bra pris över plattformarna, Utsökta animationer och 16-bit-ish grafik
men skulle de varit aningen snabbare, som dessvärre kunde varit mer utvecklad
En sjelden rolig stund. Foto: Gøran Solbakken/Gamer.noDead Cells er et av de beste todimensjonale plattformspillene jeg har spilt på veldig lenge. Jeg er veldig svak for Salt & Sanctuary, som nylig kom på Nintendo Switch, men Dead Cells er uten tvil den n...
Publicerad: 2022-07-18, Författare: Eric , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Time rolls on, and so does Dead Cells. Today, the team at Motion Twin shared an updated roadmap for the future of Dead Cells, which is set to carry into 2023 and contains some big things.The team says this update is specifically to combat the belief that...
An almost perfect blend of conflicting genres, Procedurally generated levels and loot, Every playthrough is different, Beautiful art direction and smooth as butter animation
The difficulty will alienate casual gamers, Occasional frame rate drops
Sammanfattning: For the price of two school lunches, Motion Twin gives you two new levels with new enemies, a new boss, and six new items. It's a lot of fun, and adds new depths and challenge to a game that I'm already addicted to.The new levels are filled with new and...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2018-12-26, Författare: Mike , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Man, 2018 was another great year for video games. And while a lot of the blockbuster games I was looking forward to delivered, I fell in love with a bunch of unexpected indies this year.I even have a game in my top 10 that made me a believer in VR! That's...
Publicerad: 2018-09-07, Författare: Christian , testad av:
Dead Cells is a roguelike that kicks things into gear with a fast pace, satisfying combat, and persistent upgrades that keep you playing long after you said you'd stop...