Sammanfattning: Actionrollspel från Cavia och som ges ut av Square Enix låter ju ganska intressant. Inte för att jag någonsin hade hört talas om Cavia innan men det har tydligen gjort halvdana titlar som Bullet Witch som jag aldrig spelade. Nier däremot ville jag spel...
Sammanfattning: Actionrollspel från Cavia och som ges ut av Square Enix låter ju ganska intressant. Inte för att jag någonsin hade hört talas om Cavia innan men det har tydligen gjort halvdana titlar som Bullet Witch som jag aldrig spelade. Nier däremot ville jag spe...
Publicerad: 2017-04-24, Författare: Jonathan , testad av:
Sammanfattning: There's a lot to like in Nier, however, there is also a good deal more to dislike; the game has a handful of quality needles hidden under a haystack of tired gameplay mechanics. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this title is the well-crafted, heartf...
Sammanfattning: Following a mammoth release like Final Fantasy XIII, it's easy for other games - even under the same developer-to fall victim to overshadowing. The buzz isn't as loud, the advertising not as aggressive and the company's overall efforts committed to one...
Sammanfattning: Like many RPG fans, I had high hopes for Nier. The fact that it was put out by Square Enix, a company responsible for the Final Fantasy franchise and the Kingdom Hearts games, made it, for me, a definite must-have. The Square Enix name signifies high q...
Sammanfattning: Genre mashup is usually a great recipe for disaster, and is rare to be seen in a game where it works at all-- if even successfully. That's why when it happens, and is done right, most gamers say things like "What?" and "Huh?", because we have no idea w...
Sammanfattning: Nier is an ugly game. Absolutely hideous. The protagonist is one of the most garishly designed characters in gaming history. His animations, particularly when it comes to jumping, are laughably bad. Released in such a busy year, alongside so many oth...
Though the graphics may not be the best, Nier’s story and characters can easily catapult it up to a very high rating. The controls are sometimes a little annoying, but overall the gameplay is consistently fun. You won’t find any other game like this, ...
Sammanfattning: NIER is a game that will undoubtedly appeal to a handful of RPG enthusiasts because of the story being told. For others, myself included, the game is a slapdash effort..