Testseek.se har samlat 136 tester av Detroit: Become Human och det genomsnittliga betyget är 81%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Detroit: Become Human.
Maj 2018
136 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
0 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Fantastisk grafik
Fängslande story
Fenomenala skådespelare
Fantastiskt spännande
Myriader med beslut
Och konsekvenser
De polisiära mekanikerna
Grafiken är helt otrolig
Förgreningsschemat skapar nyfikenhet
Musiken är stämningsfull
Spelets tema är relevant
Underbara ansiktsanimationer
Storslagen och intim berättelse
Betydande val
Konstant spännande handling
Praktiskt gränssnitt för att ändra storyn
Testarna gillade inte
Bråkig kamera
Mindre plot-holes
Bitvis David Cageövertydligt och klyschigt
Slutet kommer snabbt
Quick Time Events känns så 2000
Stundvis klumpig kontroll
Störiga buggar
Något klyschigt slut
Vissa detaljer är inte grafiskt tillfredsställande
Publicerad: 2018-05-24, Författare: Dean , testad av: venturebeat.com
Sammanfattning: As we careen toward human-like artificial intelligence in real life, popular fiction is stoking our fears. I was prepared to dismiss Quantic Dream ‘s Detroit: Become Human as one more weak entry in this genre of the robots are taking over. But I wound up...
Sammanfattning: As a developer, Quantic Dream is known for being controversial and polarizing. This is due to allegations being applied to its leaders, like David Cage. Sometimes, this bleeds over into their games, with Heavy Rain criticized for its sexism and Beyond: Tw...
Solid and definitely has an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.How we score: The destructoid reviews guide...
Sammanfattning: Are we prepared for the day our machines demand equal rights? This is the question that Detroit: Become Human, the latest game from Quantic Dream, poses to everyone who plays it. At some point, director David Cage and his writing team suggest, the singul...
Detroit: Become Human is a poignantly pulpy interactive sci-fi drama where your choices can impact events to a greater and more satisfying degree than in most games of this type. Though I wish its story had been handled with a softer touch, especially con...
Detroit: Become Human is the peak of Quantic Dream. It's a culmination of everything the studio has learned by putting an authentic, intimate story that builds gradually into a story of grand proportions while combining fun and engaging gameplay that help...
Despite a strong connection between the choice-oriented gameplay and the script's themes of free will and liberation, DBH's exploration of these themes is ankle deep...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2018-05-24, Författare: Ron , testad av: gamingtrend.com
Among the best visuals on any platform to date, Gorgeous and moving score, Writing and decisions are insightful and impactful, Multiple playthroughs are encouraged, though the story is self-contained, Over a dozen hours per story run
Small bit of mip-mapping and the occasional framerate hitch, but not impactful for either, Dialogue choices are occasionally counter intuitive
Detroit: Become Human is a cinematic masterpiece, and easily the best work to date from developer Quantic Dreams. It's gorgeous, sounds beautiful, and the choices made here are impactful and introspective. Better still, the exposed underpinnings encourage...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2018-05-24, Författare: Daniel , testad av: yahoo.com
Sammanfattning: AaAaAaAaAa“Detroit: Become Human” is a game that wants all of your choices to matter. And while that's something video games have promised for years, “Detroit” might be the first to deliver on that goal.From how you reply to other characters, to the split...