Testseek.se har samlat 136 tester av Detroit: Become Human och det genomsnittliga betyget är 81%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Detroit: Become Human.
Maj 2018
136 Tester
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0 Tester
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Testarna gillade
Fantastisk grafik
Fängslande story
Fenomenala skådespelare
Fantastiskt spännande
Myriader med beslut
Och konsekvenser
De polisiära mekanikerna
Grafiken är helt otrolig
Förgreningsschemat skapar nyfikenhet
Musiken är stämningsfull
Spelets tema är relevant
Underbara ansiktsanimationer
Storslagen och intim berättelse
Betydande val
Konstant spännande handling
Praktiskt gränssnitt för att ändra storyn
Testarna gillade inte
Bråkig kamera
Mindre plot-holes
Bitvis David Cageövertydligt och klyschigt
Slutet kommer snabbt
Quick Time Events känns så 2000
Stundvis klumpig kontroll
Störiga buggar
Något klyschigt slut
Vissa detaljer är inte grafiskt tillfredsställande
Impressive graphics - realistic models and beautifully-drawn environment, Great story and characters, You can create your very own version of story, You can replay any scene at any time
Cringy controls on character movement
The concept of Detroit: Become Human - viewing a new world in the eyes of Android itself is already interesting, and yet its story impressed me more. The best parts of the game are the choices making and relationship building, where it makes you rethink y...
Publicerad: 2018-05-05, Författare: Kai , testad av: wccftech.com
Great character designs and emotive acting, Three interwoven stories that feel more connected than that of Heavy Rain's cast, Phenomenal facial capture and animation, Great graphics and solid performance (at least on PS4 Pro)
The illusion of choice, Realistic depictions of violence and mental anguish might not sit well with the audience, Having to juggle 'interact' and 'rotate camera' on the same analog stick
There are some great story paths to Detroit: Become Human that can lead to different outcomes, but it's still a Quantic Dream game through and through. Expect a convoluted story that reveals itself through repeated playthroughs, characters that you grow a...
Publicerad: 2018-05-05, Författare: Peter , testad av: gamespot.com
Excellent presentation pulls you into the world and brings characters to life, Three storylines that complement one another in fascinating ways, Filled with unforgettable moments of shock and awe
Flowcharts constantly remind you of the game you're playing and cheapen your involvement, Blatant and shallow appropriation of real-life events stick out like a sore thumb, Some secondary characters exhibit an obvious lack of detail
Publicerad: 2018-05-05, Författare: Alex , testad av: newgamenetwork.com
Developer Quantic Dream continues to solidify their pedigree in creating narrative driven cinematic experiences. Aside from a few story and design stumbles, Detroit: Become Human offers an engaging adventure with great presentation, meaningful choices, an...
Publicerad: 2018-03-03, Författare: Randy , testad av: Gamingnexus.com
Sammanfattning: At first, Detroit: Become Human appears to be little more than a game that gets its rocks off with child endangerment, hamfisted slavery analogies, and good cop/bad cop tropes. At first, the game acts like it's simply a place where physically ugly humans...
8SCOREOUT OF10Robot rockChoices really do matterAstonishing visuals and soundtrackStrong performances all roundShort circuitWriting still poor in placesSome questionable scenes and themesMinor control annoyancesYou own this Total 0You want this Total 0You...
Publicerad: 2018-05-29, Författare: Tom , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
Sensational graphics, An intriguing storyline about the rise of artificial intelligence, Atmospheric, capturing the feelings of the androids as they evolve, Some decent gameplay mechanics around crime investigation levels,
Not gamey enough, too many ‘press this button now' instructional bits, Reduced replayability interest thanks to the addition of branching story options at the end of each level, David Cage's storytelling remains very hit and miss, and the misses are
David Cage's games have a reputation for being ambitious failures, outsized vision let down by time, technology, or videogame conventions. Detroit: Become Human is more of the same - but by that very nature feels less ambitious than before, while simultan...
Publicerad: 2018-05-24, Författare: Oliver , testad av: theguardian.com
Sammanfattning: With a gargantuan 4,000-page script, it is a near-miracle that Detroit: Become Human manages to tell a single coherent story at all. Yet this choose-your-own-adventure-style video game, in which humans live alongside an oppressed android workforce, has hu...