Testseek.se har samlat 136 tester av Detroit: Become Human och det genomsnittliga betyget är 81%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Detroit: Become Human.
Maj 2018
136 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
0 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Fantastisk grafik
Fängslande story
Fenomenala skådespelare
Fantastiskt spännande
Myriader med beslut
Och konsekvenser
De polisiära mekanikerna
Grafiken är helt otrolig
Förgreningsschemat skapar nyfikenhet
Musiken är stämningsfull
Spelets tema är relevant
Underbara ansiktsanimationer
Storslagen och intim berättelse
Betydande val
Konstant spännande handling
Praktiskt gränssnitt för att ändra storyn
Testarna gillade inte
Bråkig kamera
Mindre plot-holes
Bitvis David Cageövertydligt och klyschigt
Slutet kommer snabbt
Quick Time Events känns så 2000
Stundvis klumpig kontroll
Störiga buggar
Något klyschigt slut
Vissa detaljer är inte grafiskt tillfredsställande
Publicerad: 2018-05-24, Författare: Tom , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
Sensational graphics, An intriguing storyline about the rise of artificial intelligence, Atmospheric, capturing the feelings of the androids as they evolve, Some decent gameplay mechanics around crime investigation levels,
Not gamey enough, too many ‘press this button now' instructional bits, Reduced replayability interest thanks to the addition of branching story options at the end of each level, David Cage's storytelling remains very hit and miss, and the misses are
Excellent graphics, Great story, Multiple branches with many outcomes and consequences to your actions, Good investigation scenes
Gameplay is simply button presses most of the time, Not as interactive as some might hope
How you get on with Detroit: Become Human is entirely how you feel about the level of control you are offered.It is, easily, the developer's biggest, most impressive choose-you-own-adventure yet, with multiple plot strands and conclusions. But still feels...
Publicerad: 2018-05-05, Författare: Thomas , testad av: alphr.com
Sammanfattning: Right now, you could throw a penny in a room and it would hit an android rebellion. Between Westworld and Blade Runner 2049, TV and film has its share of transhumanist reveries, all packed to the gills with questions about artificial intelligence, all co...
Excellent graphics,Great story,Multiple branches with many outcomes and consequences to your actions,Good investigation scenes
Gameplay is simply button presses most of the time,Not as interactive as some might hope
Where Detroit: Become Human will live or die is in the level of interactivity it offers throughout the game experience.What we've played so far feels just about right, with the right levels of gameplay to keep us intrigued in the plot, but we'll need to p...
Publicerad: 2018-04-23, Författare: James , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
Sammanfattning: SONYIt's fair to say that Detroit Become Human has attracted a fair bit of controversy this past year, for reasons you've probably read a hundred times before.And if you're looking for any further comment on those headline-grabbing stories, you won't find...
Publicerad: 2018-04-23, Författare: Jordan , testad av: trustedreviews.com
After playing through the opening hours of Detroit: Become Human I'm excited to see more, but it feels like its narrative and thematic ambition have already been explored in and outside of the medium in far more compelling ways.The clumsy execution of mat...
Publicerad: 2018-04-04, Författare: Robert , testad av: T3.com
Ideologically challenging, Well written and acted, Excellent replay value, Impressive motion capture, Complicated, mature themes
Clunky game engine, Cumbersome character controls
The idea that a video game is confident enough to eschew the rush to open world conformity that arguably plagues the industry at the moment to instead deliver an expansive and complex on the rails experience that isn't afraid to pitch at and attempt to ex...
Detroit Become Human is a beautiful jig-saw puzzle yet deformed puzzle. The individual parts look pretty, but once you try and piece it together, it all falls apart...
Sammanfattning: Detroit: Become Human wants so badly to be an interactive Hollywood blockbuster, but its amazing visuals and cinematic presentation can't make up for some really lame writing, weird performances and an overall lack of grace. In spite of all that, though...